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1 Further evidence for a hot Jovian interior is provided by the satellites , as you shall see in section 9.4.4 .
2 This early emphasis on the ‘ scientific ’ analysis of social life was to have ( and still has ) considerable implications for the subsequent development of the discipline , as we shall see in Chapters 12 and 13 .
3 Yet as we shall see in chapters 4 and 5 , there has been considerable theoretical work ( e. g. by Finsinger and Vogelsang , 1981 ) on socially efficient bonus structures , relating pay to social surplus created .
4 ( We shall see in Chapters 2 , 4 and 9 that they may well have good grounds for this belief . )
5 As we shall see in chapters 6 and 7 , they present problems also ; but these problems tend to be more generally acknowledged , and to be on the whole less intractable than the ones we are discussing here .
6 A reduction in the number of steps implies less excitation changes and , as we shall see in Chapters 5 and 6 , it is the speed with which excitation changes can take place which ultimately limits the time taken to move the required distance .
7 We shall see in Sections 19.6 , 20.3 , and 21.3 that this concept is extended to associate a variety of length scales with the turbulence .
8 Knowledge and understanding of them can thus be helpful in our efforts to understand what is happening when flows become turbulent ( although as we shall see in Sections 24.6 and 24.7 , the extent to which the new ideas ‘ solve the problem of turbulence ’ can be — and has been — overstated . )
9 Sometimes , however , they are only part of the full picture , as we shall see in examples below .
10 There are countless examples from most African countries of a similar negligence of completed investments , although some of this is a by-product of the nature of development aid , as we shall see in Chapter 11 .
11 If men were beginning to abandon their fear of hell , they were clinging with some tenacity to their hopes of heaven , as we shall see in chapter nine .
12 As we shall see in Chapter 6 the closing decades of the century and the early years of the new century were more concerned with the ‘ collective ’ approach than the individual , and younger ministers were only mirroring this change .
13 Political involvement at the national level was , as we shall see in Chapter 9 , fraught with dangers .
14 As we shall see in Chapter 5 , the defence in fact proved conclusive in the GCHQ case itself .
15 Although young children ( say , from eighteen months to six years ) can be quarrelsome ( as we shall see in chapter 8 ) , pro-social actions may be seen in some 10–20 per cent of all social contacts .
16 As we shall see in chapter 11 , such non-constant variability is usually dealt with by a power transformation of the scale of measurement .
17 As we shall see in Chapter 7 , the obvious policy solution is for the government to increase aggregate demand by increasing government expenditure or by reducing taxation , or to increase the money supply ( which will also increase aggregate demand ) .
18 So there are times ( as we shall see in chapter sixteen ) when the rationality of faith must go hand in hand with the mystery of faith .
19 In fact , as we shall see in Chapter 3 , he was beginning to evolve a new kind of conservative philosophy , and this was in no sense a time-serving decision , so that when Coleridge returned to ‘ orthodox ’ religion , his interpretation of Christian doctrine was strikingly original .
20 As we shall see in Chapter 4 , hand-held shots taken at extreme telephoto ranges can be pretty wobbly affairs , so the practical value of extended zoom ranges is somewhat open to question , though electronic zooms can be used for the creation of special effects .
21 ( Also , as we shall see in chapter eight , Kant divided the world of metaphysics from the world of the senses and created havoc for theology and philosophy generally . )
22 Besides this , it goes a long way to account for their toughness , as we shall see in Chapter 9 .
23 In any case , as we shall see in Chapter 8 , strengths very greatly in excess of I per cent of the Young 's modulus may not be of much interest in practical engineering .
24 As we shall see in Chapter 8 , the only way to make thermosetting plastics reasonably tough is to incorporate fibres of one kind or another , in other words to use them in a composite material .
25 As we shall see in Chapter 4 , its ideas are echoed in many studies of women 's preferred conversational style .
26 As we shall see in Chapter 8 , the sociology of science does not provide evidence to support his belief in the independence of science from social structures and ideological processes .
27 The fundamental issue , however , was not disposed of by this , and we shall see in chapter 7 how it erupted afresh in the 1950s and 1960s .
28 As we shall see in chapter 2 , careful sampling methods have been devised to try to ensure representativeness in survey research , but many other methods do not involve systematic sampling , and there must always be a question as to the representativeness of their findings and conclusions .
29 In some areas , such as domestic ( especially space heating ) sales ( as we shall see in Chapter 7 ) , the economists ' criticism that the demand could have been more efficiently met by other fuels was generally convincing , but they greatly exaggerated the extent to which electricity investment was dominated by the need to meet this demand .
30 And so it was for Wirral , for , as we shall see in Chapter 2 , the Index was collecting ‘ epidemic ’ data but its guardians did not recognise or communicate the fact .
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