Example sentences of "[pers pn] shall [vb infin] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this study I shall refer for convenience and anonymity to ‘ pollution control agencies ’ .
2 I shall draw from studies of nineteenth-century medicine which show how the Female was defined in certain ways , and I shall look at early psychoanalytic theory in the light of this , to show how the demands of female desire continue to be a problem for modern culture .
3 Thus I can know what is in the bottom drawer of my desk , or what I shall eat for breakfast tomorrow , by some form of inductive inference from what I have observed or am now observing .
4 This I shall record on tape .
5 " I shall speak to Paige about it , " he said .
6 ROS : I shall remain on board .
7 ‘ If there are any , I shall remain in bed , ’ retorted the Doctor , wiping the sweat through the only two remaining tufts of white hair above his ears .
8 I shall continue to dram of the Afon Por-Gilli .
9 I shall continue as chairman for the present , and shall continue to edit the newsletter .
10 I am not confident about how I should take the hon. Gentleman 's concluding remarks , but I shall bear with equanimity what I suspect may be a poisoned chalice .
11 I repeat that I shall bear in mind the hon. Gentleman 's remarks before we make our allocations .
12 I have no announcement to make on that matter at this stage , but I shall bear in mind the representation that my hon. Friend has made .
13 I shall bear in mind some — I emphasise ’ some ’ — of those hon. Members who have not been called today when it comes to the debate next week .
14 I do not know when it will be possible to have a general debate on foreign affairs , but I shall bear in mind what my hon. Friend has said .
15 Another time I shall talk about taxes , which , as we said in our election broadcast a week ago , we plan to reduce by being careful with your money — another good idea that no-one else had thought of .
16 This is all I shall relate about Charlotte 's circumstances in order to protect her anonymity , but suffice it to say , I decided to play along with her idea of aromatherapy being simply a pleasant way to relax — indeed , you do not need to be ill to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy massage .
17 When the band plays Four Nations Once Again , then I shall return to Ireland .
18 ‘ A temporary farewell only — I doubt not I shall return to court in the summer , whether it be at Westminster , Eltham or Richmond .
19 I shall return to work around February 1 , ’ said the consultant .
20 At this point I shall return to Hirsch , who argues that there can be no intrinsic understanding of literature , only a variety of understandings : ‘ Aesthetic categories are intrinsic to aesthetic inquiries , but not to the nature of literary work .
21 I shall return in chapters 6 and 7 to consider these points more fully in the context of a model of weak and strong ties .
22 Not all objectors to the Hinkley C plan supported such a straightforward advocacy of coal , especially with the growing problems of acid rain pollution and the greenhouse effect to which I shall return in Part Three .
23 The slow , retrograde axial rotation of Venus is a puzzle to which I shall return in section 4.2 .
24 And she did and so I think two days before Christmas Lady said to me , okay I shall go into Peter and choose whatever microwave you want .
25 In the Emerald Suite of the Empire Hotel , a plate jutting high above raw jungle at the southern edge of Vasilariov , Meh'Lindi said , ‘ I think I shall go into town to practise . ’
26 I shall go to Scotland alone , ’ he quietly announced , ‘ whilst Shallot will travel to Paris .
27 I shall go to law — to law , I know it — but my head , my head — ’
28 I shall go to Trelorne like this , Lyddy .
29 I shall offer in chapter 7 a reason for rejecting all forms of foundationalism .
30 ‘ No doubt there is — but I shall travel with Matt . ’
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