Example sentences of "[pers pn] difficult [prep] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The welfare state therefore acts as a ceiling over the heads of those on low incomes , making it difficult for them to move up through their own efforts .
2 He is also sceptical or the argument that parasuicides and the unemployed are linked by personality disorders which make it difficult for them to hold down jobs .
3 It was also suggested that the Board had insufficient knowledge of the Highlands and all this made it difficult for them to act correctly .
4 It had seemed an impossible dream at the time ; but to have an impossible dream was a harmless comfort , and their love and respect for Rabbi Moishe made it difficult for them to grudge him their co-operation .
5 The enemy opened up with machine guns , but the glare of fires made it difficult for them to aim accurately .
6 It was agreed that the growing diversity of pressures upon schools made it difficult for them to adapt intelligently and consistently .
7 The sheer bulk of the material makes it difficult for them to do otherwise .
8 It marked them off from other men and made it difficult for them to settle down to the dull conformity of civilian existence after the war .
9 ‘ The temptation is to give them everything , ’ says Janka Stuttard , the Russian speaker who co-ordinated the visit , ‘ but their parents asked us not to do that because it makes it difficult for them to settle back home .
10 The traditional role of women in some cultures makes it difficult for them to approach or be approached by the school .
11 But the craftsmen 's talents were crippled by unemployment , while high taxation on the former governing classes made it difficult for them to commission buildings or goods of a quality acceptable to Lutyens and his contemporaries .
12 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
13 ‘ He has tried to draft in fresh faces , and found it difficult for them to fit in .
14 Banks entered this market in a big way in the early 1980s , after the abolition of the ‘ corset ’ scheme , which inhibited the growth of their interest-bearing deposits and made it difficult for them to lend large sums without incurring financial penalties imposed by the Bank of England .
15 This is likely to make it difficult for them to check the reasonableness of their answers and to question their estimation of measurements .
16 Their duties made it difficult for them to meet frequently but they seized every opportunity to be together and their love grew stronger every day .
17 Clare 's solicitor explained to her that men often forced their wives to return by refusing to grant a divorce and making it difficult for them to obtain money — even when it was awarded by a court .
18 It also notes that teachers ' present contracts make it difficult for them to find time to run extra-curricular activities like choirs .
19 The use of restraints upon building investment as an economic regulator to prevent excess domestic demand made it difficult for them to achieve their targets .
20 Now again if you take a good look round the retired people in town there is , you just sit down on one of those benches in town and watch people for a bit , and you 'll see that a lot of them are deteriorating physically and that is making them , making it difficult for them to get about socially , shopping- wise and so on .
21 Indeed , Roberts herself makes the point that , for example , Anderson 's reliance upon census data made it difficult for him to see the extent of exchanges across households .
22 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
23 ‘ It 's well known that Maurice likes a night out but the media attention he gets in Britain makes it difficult for him to enjoy it .
24 His left Achilles tendon became badly shortened , making it difficult for him to put his foot to the floor , and he had a strong positive supporting reaction in his foot .
25 That lack of leadership makes it difficult for him to do other than cavil at our figures .
26 The dogs ' descendants were still with him , though rheumatism made it difficult for him to go scrambling over the fields at night with the powerful torch to blind the rabbits .
27 The three Service Chiefs welcomed his preference for evolution rather than continuing and abrasive revolution , but the doubts and suspicions that they had about Mountbatten 's impartiality made it difficult for him to rebuild complete confidence between his staff at the Ministry of Defence and the Service ministries .
28 Trying to pick up the pieces of his life , he says his experiences have made it difficult for him to trust anybody .
29 Mr Powell 's lofty academic style made it difficult for him to approach MPs .
30 Here he drank pastis with the mayors of the Basses-Alpes , and even found time to lecture on Edgar Allan Poe , although his new false teeth made it difficult for him to speak French .
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