Example sentences of "[pers pn] seemed to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 True , I seemed to be alive and intact .
2 As I left the room I seemed to be in a school and I saw many children in the hall and I seemed to be late for a class .
3 The only place I seemed to be able to reach you was in bed .
4 So the only way I seemed to be able to keep Arthur was to become dependent on him . ’
5 Something in that dark brown gaze of his seemed to be able to squeeze the truth out of her .
6 In these circumstances , a determined mother could be free to groom herself , hold office in this or that community activity , or find a job , in order to fulfil herself ; though none of them seemed to be able to explain why acting as a bank teller or the secretary of a charity , for example , was more fulfilling than looking after their own children .
7 All of them seemed to be toy shops .
8 Everything inside me seemed to be fine .
9 erm it 's , it 's , like , like the , the clo closed questions , there was no real no real commitment er with , with the questions you were asking , you , you seemed to be afraid to ask them .
10 Jack Foley 's eyes rarely left Nan 's face , but she seemed to be unaware of this and talked as if all three of them were equal partners in the conversation .
11 For they were melting as she stood there , and she seemed to be liquid inside too , her limbs strangely turning to water .
12 ‘ However , although he lavished all his love and many gifts on his adored wife , she seemed to be unhappy .
13 She seemed to be asleep .
14 She seemed to be asleep .
15 In her wisdom she seemed to be aware of the delicacy of the situation and she was taking great care not to say anything to embarrass her companion .
16 I was off duty and Kate was alone , on night duty — ’ She seemed to be rambling , and Juliet wanted to prompt her , get her back to the subject .
17 Sam answered , she seemed to be alone in the house … ’
18 She seemed to be more of a good-time girl than anything else .
19 Her gaze was dark , and hinted at some impossibly deep sense of pain ; and for a moment Lucy felt a certain regret , if not shame , at the way that she seemed to be ready to manipulate any situation for whatever advantage she could get .
20 She felt she must make sure he knew why she was doing this — for Marguerite alone and not because she seemed to be unable to resist when he held her .
21 I mean no one noticed anything unusual about her and she seemed to be full of plans for the wedding . ’
22 Once on the ferry , Amanda and he had gone to the snack-bar and eaten prepacked sausage rolls and washed them down with beer ; she seemed to be able to drink quantities without degenerating into giggles like one or two earlier companions .
23 She seemed to be refined or reduced , essential early woman unquestioning of man 's right to dominate , to take , the sexual politics of her century in subjugation to the powerful natural instinct towards surrender , its cost a paltry payment against the ecstatic rewards promised by Luke 's virility .
24 But that was a fact under the sectional council number three , the one that I was represented by , they seemed to be poor .
25 Many of the projects arose not just because they seemed to be suitable topics for academic research , but at the direct instigation of teachers or sometimes students .
26 ‘ I mean , they seemed to be incompetent morons like you .
27 They seemed to be gleaming behind the glass .
28 They seemed to be selective in the evidence that they quoted .
29 For other people at work they seemed to be such joyous occasions .
30 In spite of their success they seemed to be vulnerable to extirpation in a way that some of the less imaginative molluscs , like the bivalves seemed to be immune .
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