Example sentences of "[pers pn] am [adj] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted to be associated with such a far-reaching project that will act as a clearing house for many people 's activities across the world through a service dedicated to the needs of an unrestricted membership .
2 As minister responsible for the economy in Northern Ireland , I am delighted to be associated with the publication of ‘ Guide to Exporting . ’
3 As one of our valued customers I am delighted to be able to make you this exceptional ‘ Saint and Greavsie ’ offer :
4 US President Ronald Reagan , 81 , told the Oxford Union Society : ‘ I am delighted to be with you today . ’
5 Speaking after the settlement , Mr King said : ‘ I am delighted to be vindicated after this prolonged action .
6 Or , ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen , I am delighted to be invited to tell you about the amusing experiences I have had while travelling/teaching as a , etc . ’
7 I am delighted to be once again working with Eddie Bell . ’
8 I am delighted to be here today to open the G M B congress for nineteen ninety three as Deputy M Mayor of this great city of Portsmouth , and not Manchester .
9 I am delighted to be able to tell the hon. Gentleman that our policy on capital expenditure is to encourage and enable higher education institutions to invest , as they need to do , to accommodate the dramatic increase in student numbers as well as provide facilities for the research of remarkable quality which takes place in so many of our universities .
10 I am delighted to be joined by my hon. Friend the Member for Paisley , South ( Mr. McMaster ) .
11 I am delighted to be able to say that I have just received notice from the Department of the Environment that Chorley is to be allocated an additional amount for doing up old housing — nearly £0.25 million .
12 I am delighted to be able to send you a copy of the report prepared by my review group called ‘ Building on Ability : Sport for people with disabilities ’ .
13 I am delighted to be reviewing Sally Booth 's latest work , firstly because it ‘ take 's one to know one ’ …
14 I am delighted to be able to express my congratulations to the Society on the occasion of its 40th anniversary celebrations .
15 I am delighted to be asked to deliver Lynda 's speech to such a large body of people committed to helping the disadvantaged and to be able to say a few words about how government is meeting the challenges that it faces in the developing world .
16 Now I am delighted to be able to hand over the spot-light to my three management colleagues on the management team .
17 I am delighted to be able to do this .
18 I am delighted to be able to help my constituency .
19 My name is Ricky Elliot , I am delighted to be here .
20 If it is crystal clear and I am convicted of being in my dotage or of going on at half-cock then I shall ask British Telecom to accept my apologies wince at the thought of my next bill , and keep my nose clean .
21 It seems daft to have to send to America to buy a British product , but that is what I have done , because I am tired of being ripped off by every Tom , Dick and Harry .
22 ‘ Oh , I am tired of being told so , Wilson . ’
23 All I am sure of is that right now I do n't want to be anywhere else in the world but here , with you . ’
24 All I am sure of is that in the face of that child , as he lay dead upon the couch , I saw something of my own future .
25 One thing I am sure of is that would agree that the job of Treasurer of the Bar Council would be quite impossible without the daily support and guidance of the Chief Executive and of his Finance Officer , , and his deputy , .
26 I am proud to come from this area , I am proud to be British , I will always be proud to serve this democracy . ’
27 If that is ‘ soft ’ then I am proud to be a ‘ softie . ’
28 He had written an essay on ‘ Why I Am Proud to Be an American ’ , and he had won third prize .
29 Baroness Cumberlege said : ‘ I am proud to be associated with this important new initiative to conserve a landscape which I have known and loved for much of my life . ’
30 I am proud to be British , proud to have won honours for all of the people .
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