Example sentences of "[pers pn] want [indef pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , I stood outside the primary school this morning and spoke to the other mothers , and none of them want anything to do with it .
2 Yeah I want everyone to do like five or ten minutes next week on what they 're gon na write .
3 To loose them off together , scatter-gun fashion : Stavrogin says ‘ I am making this statement , incidentally , to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position ’ ; ‘ I want to forgive myself , this is my chief aim , my whole aim ’ ; ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ ; ‘ I fall back on this as my last resource ’ ; ‘ The thing about me then was I felt bored with life , sick and tired of it ’ ; ‘ I am seeking boundless suffering ’ ; ‘ I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow ’ ( not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering , any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it ) .
4 Let us pause for a moment over ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ .
5 The attitude of the companies is such that I want nothing to do with them ; I like to think we will survive without ruining the lives of the animals and destroying the land . ’
6 ‘ I find it interesting that there 's this whole small town that claims me , that I want nothing to do with .
7 The true reason was that I want nothing to do with that country while it remains as it is , and if it had n't been for Jean-Paul I 'd have ceased all our operations out there years ago . ’
8 If , like Glen Danzig , you 're calling for the death of religion , then you 're evil and I want nothing to do with you .
9 ROS : Oh , I 've heard of him all right and I want nothing to do with it .
10 I want nothing to do with you , or the Corosini — nothing . ’
11 I want nothing to do with it .
12 I want nothing to do with it .
13 I want nothing to do with you .
14 I want nothing to do with people who are trying to destroy the image , wealth and morality of Italy . ’
15 Cos I want nothing to do with her .
16 I want everybody dressed in their best clothes , ’ Moran demanded .
17 I want everybody to think of a word please .
18 I mean it may well be we 'll say in year seven , look the things we 're looking for here and I want everybody to comment on is , A er , how well they 've settled down er how well they 're getting on with others but there 's no reason why you ca n't make those decisions .
19 Now listen , I want nobody to come over the step because you 're trailing these covers and you 'll get them wet , so inside !
20 I want someone to play with , ’ he said in a soft , coaxing voice , like the voice he used when he was talking to his tortoises .
21 I said well thanks , I knew what he was getting at , I said I 'm not sure but then he started saying cos , well , you know , what , if you want somebody to go with you like , I 'll got , I started going up
22 If you want something done in a club , a voluntary club and things like that , go to your A types .
23 Well , if you want something to drink to , this one will make you laugh — I was actually nurturing the idea of working for you one day .
24 You want someone to talk to .
25 ‘ If you want someone to talk to her — ’
26 If you want someone to blame for what happened then try looking in the mirror , Mr Calder — then you 'll see the culprit !
27 If you want anything done around here , you have to do it yourself . ’
28 We want something written into the Bill that makes it likely that some of the consumer safeguards will become a reality .
29 We want something done about it in a matter of weeks and months and not years .
30 TOP KARATE FIGHTERS GIVE BOSSES THE CHOP Although we are still members of the board , we want nothing to do with it …
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