Example sentences of "[pers pn] thank [pers pn] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I thank him for his most generous tribute to our former colleague Richard Holt , who will be remembered by hon. Members on both sides of the House with considerable affection .
2 I am grateful for the opportunity to enlighten the hon. Gentleman , and I thank him for his question .
3 We have enjoyed the loyal and industrious support of our employees throughout and I thank them for their individual contributions to the year 's achievements . ’
4 Well , with that , I thank you for my very short er stay in the Chair and er with your agreement we 'll ask the Chairman to return .
5 If poor Mrs Cecil had been less lethargic , she might have wished to echo George Washington 's last words , addressed to his physician : ‘ I thank you for your attentions ; but I pray you take no more trouble about me .
6 ‘ 'T IS true , I thank you for your Gold ;
7 I thank you for your sympathy , my children .
8 I thank you for your support , lady , ’ she said , gasping slightly .
9 Father in heaven , I thank you for your great love which banishes fear from my life .
10 It was Aggie who now rose first from her chair and so bringing the conversation to an end by saying , ‘ Well , ma'am , I thank you for your hospitality , and also for your kindness to the child .
11 This on reflection is what I think education is all about : not the mere acquisition of knowledge and passing of exams — though I thank you for your help in that area too — but the ability to stand on my own two feet intellectually .
12 Then she added softly ‘ I thank you for your help .
13 ‘ I know , Shai Tung , and again I thank you for your concern .
14 And I thank you for your advice .
15 So I thank you for your ideas , but remember that this small country is ours , not yours .
16 I thank you for your concern .
17 ‘ Your Grace , ’ he replied hoarsely , ‘ I thank you for your gift and your message . ’
18 ‘ Your Grace , I thank you for your time . ’
19 ‘ Your Grace , ’ he said softly , ‘ I thank you for your courtesy and your … ’
20 I thank you for your hospitality , Father . ’
21 Thank you thank you for your association with our
22 Sir David Nicholson retires from the Board this year and we thank him for his contribution to the Group over the past nine years .
23 We thank you for your response .
24 We thank You for Your word , the Bible , and for its relevance to our life today .
25 ‘ Father Abbot , ’ he declared for all to hear , ‘ we thank you for your hospitality but we shall return .
26 To all who attended this day we thank you for your good humour and co-operation under difficult circumstances .
27 We thank you for your hospitality . ’
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