Example sentences of "[pers pn] 'll [adv] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll go to blue hang on I 'll just go to blue hang on a minute there do n't go away .
2 Right , erm I 'll just go to the thing .
3 Norma got a huge big chip with chicken dip and then we brought Fred back something to eat as well , we were starving , and I got home last night and I was gon na make myself a sandwich but mummy-in-law was in bed so I says och I 'll just go to bed myself .
4 No , I 'll just go to the freezer
5 In the former , the speaker goes back over , or summarizes , the literal ( locutionary ) meaning of what has been said — and this is typically marked by phrases like ‘ I 'll just go over the main points again' .
6 I 'll just go through this again , because it 's , you know , two different groups .
7 And I 'll just go through them .
8 I 'll just go round the other side and get the ice-cream .
9 I 'd like to start somewhere not too much in the public eye , because it takes the pressure off , so I 'll probably go to Argentina or somewhere like that , do some rehearsals and some gigs and see what transpires . ’
10 I 'll have a can of beer and then I 'll probably go to bed .
11 Well I 've er I 'll probably go to the other Sainsburys on Saturday ah , do you want me to see if there 's one in there ?
12 Cos I 'm in bed right , cos sometimes I go , in the week it depends how I feel like , tonight I 'll probably go to bed about about half-ten or eleven cos I 'm gon na watch Ruby Wax and sometimes
13 No , I 'll probably go into the next
14 Well you 've got a lot of things to do and as I say erm , I thought I 'll only go for half an hour , but I did n't really come
15 I 'll maybe go on the security .
16 You 'll probably go to bed with an ache somewhere else if all my plans come to fruition , ’ she told him insolently .
17 You 'll doubtless go to ground and leave me to cope with everything . ’
18 You 'll still go to the pictures … ’
19 Freda said : ‘ You 'll still go to the lawyer 's this afternoon ? ’
20 ‘ Then you 'll really go for my plan , ’ said Chico .
21 She 'll probably go to a Citizen 's Advice Bureau .
22 ‘ You do n't think she 'll simply go to the police station and ask to speak — ’
23 We 'll also go to the park where there 's nobody else
24 We 'll just go to where the star stopped .
25 We 'll quickly go through erm those , again that 'll take another five minutes or so , and er I 'll be surprised if you do n't find it quite interesting .
26 We could go down and then , that way , and then we 'll all go to this way , and then join it up again .
27 Right we 'll now go for tea thank you , can I call you to order please and make a start on item number four .
28 clearly a Skoda is markly different from a Jaguar right , but as far as , er , classifying trade goes , they 'll both go under automobiles right okay .
29 But staff at Earlys say they 'll never go on a package holiday again .
30 But staff at Earlys say they 'll never go on a package holiday again .
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