Example sentences of "[pers pn] with [art] [adj] eye " in BNC.

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1 While it is the responsibility of your seller-client to prepare the plan where necessary ( and do n't be persuaded to take on this heavy responsibility in your client 's stead ) you should , as the conveyancer , scrutinise what is handed to you with a critical eye coupled with your knowledge of the title and the property .
2 Fixing me with a beady eye as soon as I had sat down , she leaned over to damn me with faint praise .
3 The old eunuch fixed me with a sharp eye .
4 She was a scrawny red shorthorn with a woolly poll and she regarded me with a contemplative eye as I bent down .
5 Fixing me with an indignant eye , he scuttled off to the peonies .
6 Ella looked upon them with a kindly eye .
7 I have never been confident that I can split them with the naked eye , but 7 × 50 binoculars make it easy enough .
8 I 've looked with binoculars and I ca n't see them with the naked eye .
9 Ari sat across from the man she 'd been told was her father , appraising him with a critical eye .
10 Marks looked at him with a speculative eye .
11 The house seemed to watch her with a calculating eye .
12 A court was told that Rebecca Frak punched the old lady in the face , leaving her with a bruised eye .
13 He fixed her with a bloodshot eye .
14 The blue bird fixed her with a steely eye .
15 He fixed her with a glittering eye .
16 For a moment Edward stood there , assessing her with a cold eye , then he slipped off his linen jacket , and looked at me .
17 You may well find , on looking at it again , that there are various elements that you want to change , and it is much easier to take an objective view of your work if you are looking at it with a fresh eye .
18 I have never been able to see it with the naked eye ( as some observers claim to have done ) , but it is not hard to find with × 7 , and it is easy with × 8.5 .
19 Some observers can see it with the naked eye under ideal conditions , though I certainly can not .
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