Example sentences of "[pers pn] is clear that the " in BNC.

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1 A newsletter in 1964 complains that ‘ it is clear that the requested £10 per annum is more than one group can manage . ’
2 A piece of oral history may be meant to do without a presiding historian in much the same way in which an analytic session may be meant to do without a presiding analyst ; theoretical presuppositions are subject in each case to a show of suspension , though it is clear that the theories of Freud and others will be present in the consulting-room , and that oral historians may be sympathetic to socialism and to the methods of Marxist historiography .
3 Though it might be fanciful to assert that this passage heralds the arrival of Hercule Poirot on the literary scene , it is clear that the Digression prepares the way for the development of the whodunnit form , and particularly of the private detective , ‘ the righteous unraveller ’ , whose task it will be to solve the murder .
4 The airbrakes can then be reduced once it is clear that the glider will not overshoot with full airbrake .
5 It is clear that the inwardly-directed causal , connection does not explain the outwardly-directed intentional relation .
6 From this post-Saussurean perspective it is clear that the theory of literature as expressive realism is no longer tenable … .
7 That the book is topping the bestseller lists , and ( according to a recent poll ) , 87 per cent of the public agree with the Prince 's attack on modernist architecture , it is clear that the heir to the throne and self-appointed mouthpiece of the people has found something significant to say .
8 From some angles it is clear that the Hammersmith building is a homage to Lloyd Wright 's spiralling Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan .
9 The Chancellor of the Exchequer was given a two-minute standing ovation after he delivered an uncompromising defence of his policies and declared : ‘ It is clear that the economy is already responding to the measures we have taken , and I have no doubt whatever that it will come right in good time .
10 Given the political rationale lying behind these sharp changes in the volume of aid directed to particular countries , it is clear that the promotion of the donors ' perceived national self-interest is closely bound up with aid .
11 It is clear that the extensions to permitted opening hours have not led to a marked increase in overall consumption , ’ the report concluded .
12 It is clear that the present system , perhaps indeed any system that could be devised , is not foolproof , says the IAEA .
13 From these it is clear that the star created mayhem in any recording studio .
14 By and large , the first three factors can be discounted for the inter-war years and it is clear that the most important factor was the decline in birth rate .
15 And as a whole it is clear that the inter-war period saw Britain 's population increase , rather than decrease , as a result of migration .
16 In the first place , it is clear that the working class , along with the middle class , was reducing its fertility — although there were one of two exceptions in some of the most depressed industrial towns .
17 It is clear that the views of the unions were ignored .
18 In this case it is clear that the original excavators included only those coins which they deemed of sufficient importance for publication .
19 Even so , it is clear that the most effective proclaimers of the Gospel are those who have learned how to speak and present their message professionally .
20 It is clear that the architects intend to take their revenge for years of perceived slights by firmly nailing up the poor old builders .
21 With the first official sevens world cup in Edinburgh a year away , it is clear that the Fijians , who have played together in 14 tournaments already this season , will be the team to beat .
22 During the discussions , it is clear that the Germans played a decisive role , insisting right at the end of the discussions ( at the penultimate meeting in March 1989 ) on binding rules on national budget deficits .
23 But it is clear that the present ecology of the lake can not be sustained .
24 Although it is clear that the potential for considerable influence is there , how effective is the mass media in changing or maintaining values and behaviour patterns ?
25 It is clear that the racial/religious dimension to parental choice of school is likely to become one of the dominant issues in education in the 1990s , making the preference versus policy dichotomy all the more difficult to resolve .
26 In all such cases , it is clear that the numbers of mentally handicapped cases could be reduced if efforts were made to counter these factors , just as increased road safety should reduce road deaths .
27 But if loving parents freely admit that they would have chosen to let the child die if given the choice , it is clear that the vast majority of parents would take this view if given an option by the doctor concerned .
28 This may well be true , but it is clear that the somewhat unorthodox background of the Emperor himself was probably a factor .
29 By now , war was inevitable for as Lord Lyons informed the Foreign Office : ‘ It is clear that the war party has gained the upper hand . ’
30 As we look at these memories , it is clear that the relationship depends both on the opportunity to know each other and also on the degree of compatibility between grandparent and child .
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