Example sentences of "[pers pn] is suggest that it " in BNC.

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1 It is suggested that it was the great grain stores of the early Egyptian civilization that attracted the local wild cats .
2 One unit was composed of many more buildings than the others and it is suggested that it represents a social difference with specialist activities taking place there .
3 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
4 The new locomotive is No. 12 in the fleet at the Moors Valley Railway and in the publicity leaflet it is suggested that it will be named ‘ Pioneer ’ .
5 The new locomotive is No. 12 in the fleet of the Moors Valley Railway and in the publicity leaflet it is suggested that it will be named ‘ Pioneer ’ .
6 It is suggested that it was derived from the hauling of boats along the river and that it was from this place that manual hauling of boats along a tow path began , but in all fairness I think this can be discounted .
7 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
8 It is suggested that it be assumed that there will be a need for an interpreter at public meetings , and that this is planned for .
9 If a purchaser is concerned , it is suggested that it may be appropriate to seek one or more independent valuations of the business though this will of course increase the acquisition costs .
10 It is suggested that it is unsatisfactory to allow the rent to be fixed in reliance on assertions made by the parties which can not be challenged by cross examination , and where the expert is not to be given an opportunity of seeing and evaluating the quality of the witnesses .
11 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
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