Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adv] frequently [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not only a problem between women and men , though that is where it is most frequently seen .
2 It is most frequently done with the middle finger .
3 It is most frequently sown with turnips ( see above ) as a nurse crop for grass .
4 It is most frequently encountered in old Caucasian , nomadic and village rugs , and is much less common in workshop items .
5 It is most frequently found in sexually active women from their late teens to early thirties and is particularly common in pregnancy , especially during the first few months .
6 It is most frequently described these days as ‘ the second largest engineering group in the UK' , but does it have ambitions to be number one ?
7 This arrangement can become part of a reproductive grouping , but it is also frequently observed in non-breeding groups , where a hierarchy develops in relation to food sources .
8 Strange as this type of decision may seem , it is quite frequently made .
9 To divide a book into chapters each dealing with a particular type is to sidestep the identification issue completely , yet it is still frequently done .
10 It is now frequently argued that advanced capitalist societies arc moving into a wholly new form of ‘ postmodern ’ culture .
11 ‘ Training ’ is not normally considered a ‘ product ’ in science ; it is more frequently regarded as a continuous process .
12 The origin of such pruning is possibly associated with the discouragement of other invading ants , for it is more frequently found in ant species with stinging rather than other chemical defences .
13 Culpeper wrote of it " it is so frequently known to be an inhabitant in almost every garden that it is needless to write a description thereof .
14 It is less frequently pointed out that the proportion of the population of pensionable age during the same period will not increase , and that the heaviest financial cost arises from pensions , not from use of services .
15 While the ability of the factual social survey to provide large-scale pictures of prevailing social conditions within a community is important , it is less frequently used these days .
16 Skynner says the question he is most frequently asked is whether therapy has not dampened Cleese 's power of comic invention : is a happier Cleese not a duller one ?
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