Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adv] difficult and " in BNC.

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1 However , it is generally difficult and , for the purposes of translation not particularly helpful , to attempt to draw a line between what is linguistic or textual and what is extra-linguistic or situational .
2 Because it is both difficult and painful to maintain one 's stomach in a state of emptiness , we can not doubt that there are powerful psychic motivations for sustaining such an activity , which is not only abnormal , but directly contrary to both physiological and social pressures .
3 The new undergraduate rooms in the Hodgkin Quadrangle have proved a most welcome addition now that it is both difficult and expensive for undergraduates to find accommodation on the open market .
4 What is special about nut-cracking is that it is particularly difficult and energy-demanding , and an adult standard of performance is reached only after 10 years of practice .
5 It is very difficult and extremely inefficient to explain the use of various specific tools for information retrieval in the absence of the source materials .
6 ‘ I think if any couple goes through a separation , it is very difficult and I sympathise with them , ’ he said .
7 If you are asking me where the remedy lies , my answer is that I have told you before and I shall go on telling you , and you know perfectly well what it is , though everybody thinks that it is too difficult and that therefore there must be a different remedy .
8 Because the body clock tends to ‘ run slow ’ , advancing it is more difficult and this explains why it takes longer to adapt ( see Table 11.3 ) .
9 Producers use built sets and fake locations to portray the setting of the story — Toronto has made millions of dollars ‘ being ’ New York , because it is so difficult and expensive to film in the Big Apple nowadays .
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