Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adj] to know whether " in BNC.

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1 The main use of palaeomagnetic poles is to determine tectonic movement , when it is essential to know whether the rocks have been stamped by a normal or reversed field .
2 The obvious problem with the designs of these experiments is that it is impossible to know whether the difference observed in the test depends on positive transfer in the distinctiveness group , negative transfer in the equivalence group , or both of these .
3 Although such behaviour corresponds closely to the descriptions of other feral children , it is impossible to know whether these children might have developed similar patterns of behaviour even if brought up in greater contact with people , and it has been suggested that feral children might have been abandoned by their parents because of their behaviour problems .
4 The lack of analysis of specific songs in Adorno 's writings means that it is impossible to know whether he is talking about real pieces or , more likely , ideal types .
5 The first is the empirical problem that without formally testing memory in such circumstances it is impossible to know whether there really is a memory impairment in such circumstances and if so how complete it actually is .
6 It is important to know whether this will impinge heavily on the poor .
7 Above all , it was necessary , in the search for quality , for LEAs to have their own direct observation of teaching and learning : " it is important to know whether improvements are needed in the organization of teaching , in the provision of equipment and materials , in the quality of teaching of one or more teachers or in some quite different area " ( Audit Commission 1989:8 ) .
8 In the example of the paperclip business it is important to know whether the vendor has its own or an external design team .
9 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
10 Comparison of ‘ An Ode on Mercy ’ in the first volume and the version printed with the subscription proposals also reveals differences , though again it is difficult to know whether the editor of that volume was following Leapor 's manuscript in preference to a version corrected possibly by Garrick .
11 From the outside it is difficult to know whether to curse Bramante 's decision to demolish the original church — apart from the internal apse structure and the ( later ) campanile , — or to marvel at the soaring lines .
12 The use of propaganda to make this behaviour unfashionable again has been suggested ( Stanley 1969 ) , but no health education programme has ever been put forward to this purpose and it is difficult to know whether such an approach would be feasible .
13 But it is difficult to know whether their defence of the Masai in such cases should be attributed to the peculiarly seductive qualities of this people , or to the well-documented tendency of District Officers throughout British Africa to become closely identified , in a paternal and proprietary way , with the interests of ‘ their ’ tribe .
14 It is difficult to know whether this is more ludicrous or tragic .
15 But like all these sorts of research findings it is difficult to know whether the accountants became cautious as a result of their training or whether the cautious attitude developed in the family as children .
16 The same is true of standing monuments such as tombstones — it is difficult to know whether to categorize these as sites or finds .
17 It is difficult to know whether this is due to there being little need to fly or whether it is due to lack of opportunity .
18 Christianson & Loftus ( 1987 ) , unfortunately , report their data in such a way that it is difficult to know whether retrograde and anterograde effects were present , however , there was clearly no interaction of effects with retention interval ( 20 minutes versus 2 weeks ) .
19 It is difficult to know whether FDI would take place without incentives and to work out the actual cost to the people of the tax remissions and infrastructural investments made by the host governments of the countries where TNCs enjoy these privileges .
20 It is difficult to know whether the increasing participation of Third World women in managerial , technical and professional employment in TNCs in the Third World is simply pan of the ‘ indigenization ’ process of replacing expatriate with local personnel , or whether it is a qualitatively different phenomenon in its own right .
21 It is difficult to know whether contractions of grammatical words should be regarded as examples of elision or not .
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