Example sentences of "[pers pn] could be said [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In other ways I suppose I could be said to prosper tolerably well .
2 He chose to spend his moments of relaxation with his political cronies , though none of them could be said to have enjoyed his full confidence .
3 Because palimpsest histories do precisely that , mingling realism with the supernatural and history with spiritual and philosophical reinterpretation , they could be said to float half-way between the sacred books of our various heritages , which survive on the strength of the faiths they have created , … and the endless exegesis and commentaries these sacred books create .
4 Insofar as younger ministers believed that a Christian state should improve housing , lay drains or provide pensions , they could be said to have advocated a form of social gospel .
5 Put together , they could be said to constitute more than the ‘ perhaps one or two opportunities ’ the discussion set out to find , but an outline strategy for reclaiming a grossly under-used source of much-needed brain-power in the boardroom : a strategy that now calls for sharpening and refining .
6 The implication here is , that a man desists from killing animals out of fear that he may be killing a reincarnated soul , but while it may be possible to draw that conclusion , the principle of identity clearly goes much deeper than that , and in fact it could be said to contradict Tillich 's suggestion since that is no more than enlightened self-interest .
7 All in all it could be said to have been an amicable evening .
8 Her work in the refectory of New Hall was brought before the formation of the collection , as a result of her residency at the college and it could be said to have struck a characteristic note of stringent inquiry for the collection .
9 The last syllable is usually quite prominent so that in some cases it could be said to have secondary stress .
10 The ’ Harriet was hungry ’ example may be only nine words long , but it nevertheless demonstrates many aspects of knowledge that need to be made explicit to a computer before it could be said to understand .
11 Putting it crudely , a core of knowledge , such that if a student knew certain facts , he could be said to have reached a certain standard .
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