Example sentences of "[pers pn] when he 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was probably the only way he could get one , she thought waspishly ; the law of averages no doubt decreed that one at least would believe him , and how on earth could he want her when he 'd said all those terrible things to her ?
2 ‘ That 's where the mangle is and that 's where it stays , ’ he told her when he 'd done .
3 Her father would joke about him to her when he 'd had a drink over much : ‘ Ready-made son you 've got now then , daughter , is it ? ’ he 'd say .
4 If you 'd heard him talk about her when he 'd had a few you 'd think different .
5 She had n't taken his horse and left him when he 'd fallen into a stupor last night .
6 He asked the question just as Karen had asked it of him when he 'd opened the door .
7 She owed it to the town , and she owed it to the memory of Frank Williams , her father , who 'd had no one to fight for him when he 'd needed it most .
8 It had tried to snow over Christmas , but in London on the evening of the 27th , it was raining when Jack Carter turned into a small mews near Portman Square not far from SOE Headquarters ; which was why he had chosen it when he 'd received a phone call from Vargas .
9 He had known where to look for it when he 'd left the bell tower after finding her corpse .
10 Senga blinked back tears , " he told me he loved me and that he 'd come back for me when he 'd made his fortune and could afford to take me away . "
11 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
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