Example sentences of "[pers pn] were both [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Michael and I were both very nervous , for even at this stage something might arise which could mean that the adoption would not go through .
2 Sir Henry and I were both very happy with this idea .
3 ‘ So we were both pretty involved , ’ he said with a shrug , ‘ but why bring it up now ? ’
4 We were both immensely relieved .
5 We were both so delighted when Laura had the liver transplant .
6 We were both really excited about each other 's playing and we could actually get along as people , too , so it was great partnership .
7 And within five minutes , we were both as naked as when we were born , bouncing merrily across the great fourposter bed .
8 We were both entirely correct in our estimations of each other , only there was , as there always is , more to it than that .
9 We were both fairly tired , having had no sleep all night .
10 I am sure that if we could have met , all estrangement would have vanished instantly ; but , having to rely on the written word ( and that in the cramped space of air-letters which took so long to come and go ) , and missing expression of face and tone of voice , to which we were both very sensitive , we kept up our guard for a time .
11 We were both very worried , ’ Marcus had said .
12 But she got used to me and started to do it herself and in the end we were both very comfortable and relaxed . ’
13 Testers ' comments : Pamela : ‘ It was a bit hard to understand how to put it on at first , but we were both very comfortable , and the baby did n't seem to droop down as sometimes happens . ’
14 We were both very wet and still not quite in agreement by the end of the day .
15 Bulleid 's innovative outlook on design matters and close study of overseas engineering practice complemented Gresley 's and they were both closely involved in the technical work of the International Railway Congress Association .
16 Because they were both already awake and on their feet it took neither Phoebe nor Rachel long to reach Maggie 's room .
17 They were both slightly embarrassed at how they had clung to each other when the thunder crashed and how the daughter had nestled in , practically under , her mother 's nightgown when the sheeting rain slashed down around them , beating on the windows , just as when she was a little girl .
18 Margaret had two friends in supervising the children downstairs , and they were both rather surprised when first the midwife and a student and then Margaret 's husband crashed through the front door .
19 Although neither was an art movement in any conventional sense , they were both launched as aesthetic revolutions which were scheduled as critiques of everyday life ; and in this they were both surprisingly successful .
20 They were both too nice for their own good .
21 They were both too tired .
22 They were both too old and too worn to read such nonsense , that princess , this frog .
23 They were both too conscious that it was the last , the knowledge weighing heavily on them , giving rise to complex emotion each time their eyes met , until eventually they started avoiding looking at each other .
24 Frankie did not understand how it could be so important which end of the Bible they preferred to read or which church they were both too busy to attend every Saturday and Sunday .
25 ‘ And they were both sopping wet .
26 Where family affection was concerned , they were both marvellously simple creatures .
27 They were both so obsessed with the place , its gossip and rumours and intrigues , that they wanted to spend every possible moment together there , comparing notes , exchanging opinions : who was in , who out , what X said about Y's review of P's book about Q. Well , she was sick and tired of the place , tired of its beautiful architecture housing vanity and paranoia , glad to exchange its hothouse atmosphere for the real if smoky air of Rummidge .
28 They were both so convincing .
29 But now , her pregnancy and his ever-increasing work-load meant that at the end of the day they were both so exhausted that there was only the desire for an early night and a brief conversation about all their plans or what Brian called , ‘ the state of play ’ .
30 They were both so pleased that I had come , by accident , to make their day perfect .
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