Example sentences of "[pers pn] are prepared [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Fraulein , I understand from Bruno that you are prepared to swear to a document that Corporal Blagg brought you some death certificates on the night when Herr Hochhauser — ( thank God he had remembered the name ) ‘ — the Standesbeamte from Bad Schwarzendorn was murdered .
2 ‘ It will be up to you how much you participate , just as it will be up to you how far you are prepared to go in our health and safety campaigns . ’
3 AROMATHERAPY can do a little or a great deal for you , depending on how much effort you are prepared to put into safeguarding your health and increasing your vitality .
4 You only get out of a tutorial what you are prepared to put into it — plus a little bit more !
5 The key to successful time management is knowing what you want to achieve , how much it means to you , and how much of your time and energy you are prepared to devote to it .
6 No , it even says in here , it says look , there well may be groups of supporters in different categories who 'd like to arrange seats together , unfortunately not be able to do this unless you are prepared to wait until the end of the main selling period
7 You will find that people will confide in you and tell you their secrets and unveil their emotions if you are prepared to listen to them .
8 I was about to add : If you are agreeable — and if you are prepared to abide by certain conditions … . ’
9 Your decision here will obviously depend to some extent on whether you already have an aircraft radio and just how much you are prepared to spend on your first model .
10 Love You and your partner face new challenges in your relationship — use them as a way of finding out just how deep your feelings are for each other , and how much you are prepared to sacrifice in order to make it work .
11 It is refreshingly easy to overcome initial fears , however , if you are prepared to enter into the debate , and not allow yourself to take comments or criticisms personally when a student peers at you agog for carrying out what they see as an archaic approach .
12 We are therefore looking to YOU — Perhaps you are prepared to help in some way ? ? ?
13 It is unrealistic to assume that a junior will confide in you unless you are prepared to confide in him or her .
14 " It only really works if you are prepared to work in role alongside the children . "
15 We have to assure counsellees that we are prepared to listen to their difficulties .
16 Of course , with the level and intensity of training that we are prepared to put into our trainees ' future , we do run the risk that a percentage of that investment will end up benefiting our competitors .
17 We are prepared to die for it . ’
18 In other words , so far as I am concerned , unless and until we are prepared to deal with this demonstrated cause of inflation and want to do so , we are wasting our time ; and as soon as we want to do so , there is no reason to suppose that there will be any problem or therefore any reason for an incomes policy as defined .
19 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
20 ‘ I wonder how long we are prepared to vacillate at a time when Britain , and all that Britain stands for , and human civilization , are in peril ? ’
21 Even the great spread of inter-war surburban houses , such as those which line the Kingston by-pass in Surrey , have a fascinating story to tell of the growth of such areas if we are prepared to look at them properly .
22 If we are prepared to look at things in that light then the range of choice becomes much wider .
23 Erm before we embark on the continued discussion on H two er and we are prepared to look at erm the the which says should the party include specific plans on location of the new settlement .
24 We are prepared to work with the police and to provide the information needed to bring the perpetrators of attacks to justice , ’ he says , adding that he would like to see Mr McLean in the hope of building a relationship .
25 Grover : ‘ We are prepared to work with the police ’ OVERNIGHT FILE
26 We are prepared to help by advertising your Wings Appeal and will use the following design :
27 Although Tory Euro-rebels support the Government in opposing the social chapter , they are prepared to vote for it in the hope of wrecking the whole treaty .
28 They are prepared to vote against the government , even at the cost of a damaging row just before an election .
29 apply to the centre where they are enrolled and obtain written confirmation that they are prepared to liaise with and forward examination paper(s) to the selected examination centre .
30 Some of these parents may also wish , through adoption , to protect children against the social order , but they are ‘ real ’ parents in that they are prepared to go beyond their own concerns and hold the child 's interests as their priority .
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