Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] is sometimes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Skimmed cow 's milk is sometimes found in commercial prepared foods for babies under six months .
2 Plants grown in different environments can be expected to vary and the biologist 's job is sometimes to identify the environmental change which has caused an observed effect .
3 The strong feeling of a presence is felt , lights go on and off , doors open and shut on their own , the shadow of a man 's head is sometimes seen ; but on recording sessions , many unnerving things can happen , heavy breathing down the musicians ' necks , brushing past people .
4 Barthes 's vision is sometimes aligned with the post/modern .
5 Weber 's sociology is sometimes described as ‘ a debate with the ghost of Marx ’ .
6 It is said that yaks ' milk is sometimes used and in Italy buffalos ' milk is made into cheese .
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