Example sentences of "and placing [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As she swayed dizzily he caught her , stripping off her dressing-gown and placing her in bed .
2 He wrapped me in a warm coat and placing me in the car took me several miles over the moor .
3 The plaintiff then instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming damages for their breach of duty in failing to disclose material information to him and placing themselves in a position where their duties and interests conflicted .
4 Mike Lynch , of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , said whale watchers were posing a risk to the animals — and placing themselves in danger — by trying to track them from boats .
5 She scrutinised a dilapidated man on the pavement outside who was passing from rubbish bin to rubbish bin , rustling around inside and placing everything of interest in a plastic bag .
6 After studying large numbers of systems of kinship terms and placing them in an evolutionary sequence , partly in terms of their characteristics , partly in terms of the technological level reached by the societies from which they originated , Morgan felt confident that he had discovered a governing tendency in the history of human marriage : as social evolution progressed , the number of legitimate sexual partners a man or a woman could have diminished progressively , finally producing monogamy — the permanent union of one man and one woman .
7 This gives a stocking length of 10″ ( 25cm ) , and placing them in a 20 gallon tank ( 90l ) you have , according to the aforementioned ratio stocked it correctly .
8 ‘ We had two old Marshalls that sounded great sometimes , but by the end of the record the only way we could get them to sound good was by taking them out of their cases and placing them on their sides in a certain temperature and a certain humidity — then they were great .
9 The more tender-hearted biographers have pictured Vincent as a St Francis , lifting straying caterpillars from the ground and placing them gently on branches , leaving cheese and milk for the mice while he starved on bread and water .
10 Dominant social attitudes towards retirement place the personal needs of older people in a subservient position to the perceived social and economic interests of the wider society , and it is this that causes many older people problems , bringing into question their personal value and worth , and placing them under considerable social stress .
11 Lucinda jumped to her feet , collecting cups , plates and cutlery together and placing them on the tray .
12 If you have practised all the new skills available to you with the K858 , you could , at this stage , create a garment combining a selection of textures that all go well together , choosing from Fair Isle , lace and cables and placing them to set each other off to the best advantage .
13 He shuffled papers , bringing them together and placing them to one side , face downwards .
14 Our debt to him , in advancing our studies and placing them in their proper imperial framework , is enormous .
15 In my view the successes were finding great works of classical Modern art and placing them in important collections such as Gustav Klimt 's ‘ Portrait of Gallia ’ in the National Gallery , London ( the only painting by Klimt in England ) ; Oskar Kokoschka 's ‘ View of the Thames ’ 1926 , one of his first London views , in the National Gallery of Wales , Cardiff ; Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 's ‘ Three Nudes ’ , in the Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney , Australia the only great Expressionist painting in Australia ; Henry Moore 's ‘ Reclining Figure ’ , one of his three monumental carvings .
16 She took his fingers , wet from her body , and placing them provocatively between her pouting lips , she sucked .
17 Knowledge Adventure is very good at throwing out nuggets of information , and placing them into some sort of context .
18 Cold setting was carried out by selecting the characters one at a time and placing them in a compositor 's stick .
19 ‘ Certainly the play advocates a continuation of the war , as plays nowadays are required to do , ’ said Deems , folding his hands and placing them gently on the table before him , as if to show that he concealed nothing .
20 Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree , reported on May 21 , transferring the troops of the Baltic border district to Russian Federation jurisdiction and placing them under the command of the C.-in-C. of Border Troops , financed from the Russian budget .
21 The capability of removing women 's eggs and placing them in another woman 's womb , has given rise to the question for the first time in human history who is the biological mother ?
22 The Office of Fair Trading agreed that ‘ from a competition viewpoint there might be a great deal of benefit in combining the two funds and placing them on insurance principles , setting premiums on the basis of risk ’ .
23 When I arrived on tie scene there appeared to be hundreds of people there , but a civilian — the works and bricks engineer seemed — to be the boss , and even the station commander was happily taking orders from him about filling sandbags and placing them on the Bund to strengthen it against the rising tide .
24 She flicked him a quick glance , then concentrated on lifting two green-patterned mugs from the cupboard and placing them neatly on the marble counter , all too aware that he was watching her every move .
25 When they descend to the forest floor they walk awkwardly on all fours , treading on the sides of their clenched feet and placing their hands on the ground .
26 ‘ Hi , ’ said her best friend , Sam , sitting down beside her and placing her bag of school books on an extended stain of dried urine .
27 certain formal steps like Iran 's call-up of reservists and earlier the recall of its ambassador from Baghdad and placing its army on alert to a degree that the Iranian air force commander at the time described as ‘ unprecedented ’ ; and
28 If , however , you are using an agency capable of providing a reasonable service — even if it is not a ‘ full service agency ’ — you are likely to meet , at one time or another , an account group , consisting of at least five or six people , who will be doing between them all the tasks involved in creating and placing your advertising .
29 A collie dog I know , who lives with my neighbours , has an old semi-deflated toy football which she never tires of carrying to the feet of any human who will kick it , for her to gallop off , retrieving it and placing it once again near one 's feet .
30 Picking up rubbish and placing it in the bin is one small step in an ever-growing waste crisis .
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