Example sentences of "[n mass] no [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 This collapse did not materialize and , more to the point , by 1948 an increasing percentage of the French people no longer believed in the imminence of such a collapse .
2 … RENFE avoided all confrontations with the workforce , in the attempt to ensure that people no longer talked in terms of fascists and non-fascists but at the most in terms of left-wing and right-wing , in other words the company managed to dilute or avoid social and political tensions resulting from the transition ( fieldnotes ) .
3 People no longer live in communities to the same extent .
4 One of them is at the post-compulsory level of schooling , where people no longer have to be at school .
5 It 's small wonder that people no longer look to the Church for guidance when the arguing within the very organisation which preaches love and tolerance is tearing it apart .
6 In Lyell 's system , extinction was taking place even now , as the population of species no longer adapted to modern conditions is gradually whittled down .
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