Example sentences of "and economic analysis " in BNC.

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1 Likewise she argued that the feminist versions of Althusserian concepts of ideology overemphasised textuality at the expense of social and economic analysis .
2 Candido Grzybowski is a human rights worker with the Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analysis in Rio .
3 Indeed , political argument , policy-making and economic analysis were suffused with an increasing flow of statistical data which in range and scale was quite unlike anything which had been experienced before : to such a degree that by the end of the period under review the rate at which data were being generated exceeded , probably by a wide margin , the capacity to apply them in practical economic action .
4 Armed with their dialectical theory of history and economic analysis of the ineluctable crisis of capitalism , Marx and Engels ' account of revolution guaranteed eventual victory to the industrial working class .
5 Mr de Souza is the Director of IBASE , the Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analysis , which is supported by WACC .
6 Mr de Souza is the Director of IBASE , the Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analysis , which is supported by WACC .
7 The discussion will be confined to rational-deductive strategic and economic analysis .
8 The first six chapters of this book have all focused upon the financial and economic analysis underlying major investment decisions .
9 In reality , the process of innovation is an integrated , interactive , iterative process in which all the various aspects — including R&D , insights into market needs and economic analysis — operate hand in hand .
10 Extensions of this work in future will continue to examine such differences by econometric and economic analysis , but will increasing emphasize the role of particular sectors in the model as a whole .
11 It quoted the Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analysis ( IBASE ) as saying that 457 children , most with no criminal record , had been killed by death squads in 1989 in three cities and that such killings were continuing , at an average of one per day .
12 In the so-called ‘ New ’ welfare economics , the use of the social welfare function introduced in section 1–5 seemed to ‘ solve ’ the equity problem and economic analysis was centred on efficiency .
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