Example sentences of "[n mass] be [adv] working [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mould this lot of nonsense down , because me as a boilermaker had to live forty four years and there ai n't enough people are still working to be able to run the sections .
2 Our impression is that almost all contract computer staff are voluntarily working on this basis .
3 Chairman I must respond to that , that the work secret road is not appraise donated to this organization , I think it 's one latched onto by the press to develop some headline , er nobody 's ever used that phrase about anything being secret in this organization whatsoever , the simple fact is that these drawings for your approval are not yet finished , that 's the extent of secrecy , my staff are still working on them , they 'll come
4 A spokesman told The Northern Echo yesterday some local education authority staff were also working for the Dyslexia Institute and there was no indication the needs of dyslexic youngsters were not being met .
5 Erm how many staff were there working in the house in Llaneilian ?
6 In his memoirs the former president writes , ‘ At the beginning of my second term , Congress , the bureaucracy and the media were still working in concert to maintain the ideas and ideology of the traditional Eastern liberal establishment that had come down to 1973 through the New Deal , the New Frontier , and the Great Society . ’
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