Example sentences of "[no cls] there [be] about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er there 's about twelve other guys .
2 So of course when Tom was put up and er there was about five of us put up for this job , they was all members of that union and I was n't .
3 But a few years ago we were at a session in a pub one night erm playing music and er there was about twenty of us and about two o'clock in the morning the police raided it and we all had our names taken and we were all up in court and we were all fined I think three pound for being er drinking after hours and Tony was drinking a cup of coffee .
4 It 'll be si ski trip will be when we have our maths ' coursework so the there was about ten fourth years going they 're really annoyed !
5 Erm just er when I first started , I 've already mentioned I think that erm there are about seventeen erm students at universities with major scholarships within the maximum of this erm hundred and fifty pounds a year and erm we inter had to interview all these erm applicants , erm which was n't a very arduous task because there were n't so many of them but
6 Erm there 's about two hundred acres of woodlands do you see .
7 By the mid-15C as a result of epidemics , pogroms and wars , urban Jewish settlement virtually disappeared , but by the middle of the 16C there were about 1,000 Jews living in Prague .
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