Example sentences of "[no cls] i [be] sure you " in BNC.

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1 And what we say is , and what we 're trying to put over , I 'm su I 'm sure you 're fully aware of yourselves , is that it 's no good going around driving your drives thinking that it 's never going to happen to you .
2 I 've never met Michael Allison so er I 'm sure you 're absolutely right , I shall er wait and find out .
3 Some feedback now Jeff said okay he 's done this course before and he 's looking for feedback to see the level of his competence at this point , but everybody er I 'm sure you will agree by the end of tomorrow will have got feedback .
4 getting very low , you 're a good payer and er I 'm sure you need a pair of trousers you need this you need that
5 As John has already told you I 'm sure you will all remember the debate last year , the wider democracy and I s I 'm sure you remember you overturned it .
6 uses now the reason we need , not just nuclear power of course , but all other sources of energy er is erm illustrated by these next couple of slides erm I 'm sure you 've seen data like this before growth in the world 's population over the last er few hundred years erm over the middle ages the er world 's population was fairly stable , although the birth rate was high er the death rate was equally high because of things like cholera and bubonic plague and smallpox and other things that used to kill people off in large numbers .
7 No , well it is one of the sights as you know but erm I 'm sure you heard about it when you were there did n't you ?
8 But erm I 'm sure you 're right .
9 But erm I 'm sure you should not look on the Institute as a sort of vehicle for introducing western technology .
10 Poss possibly Roger that I I I 'm sure you 're probab I 'm sure you 're right Roger .
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