Example sentences of "be blamed on " in BNC.

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1 The government is concerned that most of the disappearances are blamed on the security forces .
2 Italy 's ills of corruption , maladministration and government irresponsibility are blamed on the extreme form of proportional representation brought in as antidote to Mussolini 's dictatorship .
3 Some of the deaths are blamed on polonium , an element whose presence during the accident was deliberately kept secret at the time because of its military sensitivity .
4 In the wildernesses all across Canada and the USA an average of 13 human deaths a year are blamed on the bears .
5 Many ailments which are blamed on old age could be avoided if everyone ate a healthy diet .
6 The job losses are blamed on the recession .
7 The losses are blamed on the lack of research cash and the need to reorganise , but union leaders says the cuts are cosmetic and unnecessary and they may consider industrial action .
8 Much of the violence has been blamed on mysterious ‘ vigilantes ’ who have attacked township commuters refusing to pay their fares in solidarity with the strikers .
9 The cash crisis has been blamed on the recession and a breakdown in negotiations with the county council .
10 Thus the major cyclic changes in Jurassic sedimentation ( and possibly even the changes of faunal and floral evolution ) have been blamed on eustatic changes in sea-level , and these in turn on epeirogenic movements on the ocean floor .
11 The fires , which are concentrated on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo , have been blamed on a combination of four months of low rainfall and the after-effects of widespread logging , which have left large swathes of comparatively parched land on which fires can take hold easily and spread to secondary forest growth .
12 An airshow accident in which a Spitfire crashed in flames has been blamed on pilot error .
13 The president of the Writer 's Association , Hermann Kant , a central committee member , said the exodus of almost 50,000 refugees could not be blamed on the ‘ wicked class enemy ’ in West Germany : ‘ A defeat is a defeat even if it comes on the eve of a glorious celebration . ’
14 A lot can be blamed on years of dictatorship and rotten planning — but not all .
15 Not all killings should be blamed on the terrorists or police .
16 One reason is that interest rates are affected by government policy , so the cost of capital can be blamed on government ( ours ) .
17 Similarly , interest rates appear open to manipulation and hard-to-prove subsidy , so differences across borders can also be blamed on governments ( theirs ) .
18 Steve Hagger , a director , says the mounting list of creditors can be blamed on the fact Brandmakers was victim of a fraud being perpetrated on companies in search of cash to help them ride the recession .
19 He would report her missing and the crime would doubtlessly be blamed on some tramp or itinerate worker .
20 Perhaps it could also be blamed on having flicked past hundreds of dull photos of them in The Scots Magazine over the years , showing old men with their shirt sleeves rolled up , pointing at some rolling , lumpy , big hills with the caption reading , ‘ The mighty Cairngorms are a sight for sore eyes in any rambler 's book ’ .
21 Can the problems of urban poverty be blamed on individual pathology ?
22 Can his death really be blamed on a cricket ball ?
23 Much may be blamed on the impermeable Alan Beith , who has been at Berwick since 1973 and thinks nothing to striding round five villages , after starting on Holy Island in the sort of rain that suggests God getting out the strap , and then darting up to Duns in what was Berwickshire , Scotland , to do a broadcast .
24 It ca n't be blamed on the unions or the last Labour Government .
25 Like aggression , it may be blamed on attack by a predatory spirit .
26 In part , the fading lustre of famous names can be blamed on the economic downturn of the 1990s .
27 The current division of powers between the central Board of Education and the 32 local boards encourages buck-passing ( problems can always be blamed on somebody else ) without either reducing bureaucracy ( the central board still employs almost 4,000 people ) or devolving power to individual schools .
28 That a decision may turn out to have this ultimate effect can hardly be blamed on the decider , who is unable to see that far ahead .
29 These may also be responsible for the associated climatic phenomena and may be blamed on the effects of plate tectonics with the rise and fall of mid-ocean ridges and the displacement of water by the piling up and erosion of new orogenic belts .
30 It has recently been argued very convincingly that the Cenomanian transgression can be blamed On a pulse of rapid ocean-floor spreading with the expansion of the mid-ocean ridges and consequent displacement of water .
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