Example sentences of "[no cls] [adj] i [modal v] say " in BNC.

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1 It would destroy jobs , er all I would say to the honourable gentleman is that he will have noticed that the Chancellor of the Exchequer er used one of the announcements in his budget statement on the thirtieth of November last year er to announce that we shall be introducing a modern apprenticeship scheme .
2 Er all I can say chairman is that the County Council is is working within the approved structure plan strategy which is based on restraint , based primarily on housing restraint but I think that 's what the County Council has done in its er employment land proposals is to set certain parameters which appear to us to really reasonably meet requirements of this authority 's resident population .
3 They 're , when you 're talking about the normal household gloss , yes it is flammable but it 's not a , nowhere near as flammable as your cellulose thinners that you spray your car with and things like that , your touch up sprays , because it does n't contain the amount of petroleum adhesive er additive I should say , in the er in its mixture as does er
4 But there there was n't , mm , well there was nothing that seemed immediately er relevant I must say , but
5 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
6 Erm the questions you were asking just now were testing a possible implication that this policy is so weak in general , no no not weak , so general in its application that it really does n't get in the way , it 's testing that kind of hypothesis , and erm all I can say is from experience in North Yorkshire that , even without this policy since nineteen eighty , the county has been using its assertion of its need to protect the countryside generally as its policy position to stop things happening outside towns and villages and that with this policy in place we could see that a general position of the county maintained and then reinforced .
7 Right , well I 've been waiting since er what is it twelve o'clock this morning , what on earth this question can be and I certainly did n't er come up with this possible , erm all I can say is that I have always got on extremely well with Tony and .
8 Erm all I can say is the county council economic development people are are there on the ground with their helicopters and the cameras when Kimberley Clarke comes in or the Central Science Laboratory and the car people and so on of the moment .
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