Example sentences of "[am/are] probably [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I see , they 're probably under the paper , yeah
2 ‘ They 're probably after the silver ! ’
3 The lack of , or defects in , the specification are probably at the heart of most disputes resulting from the acquisition of computer equipment and software .
4 Studies such as this one where parents become volunteers are probably at the limit of ethical acceptance .
5 Rises in petrol and road tax , a leap in duties on drink and tobacco and the freezing of income tax allowances are probably on the agenda for next spring 's Budget .
6 ‘ I must say the Australian horses will be fresh , just starting their season , while the European horses are probably on the wane now . ’
7 Now there are cars parked right the way up and even on to the roundabout , and I think a lot of these erm persons erm with the cars are probably from the Polytechnic .
8 And yet the most dramatic shots are probably from the SCG the night the reins fell on South Africa and England , and cricket made a memorable fool of itself .
9 This technique gives you a broad view of the subject but the best books are probably in the hands of other readers .
10 These are probably in the region of half a million pounds at the moment , which does not bode well for the company which may be trying to raise half a million pounds of equity .
11 Now people will listen to you and they 'll have had , had their own personal goals but they feel not worthy of expressing it anyway because they think , well I 've had this idea , I 'm probably up the creek , and they never say anything .
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