Example sentences of "[am/are] fill with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The joints between the stones are filled with mortar after bedding sets .
2 Many women are filled with trepidation at the thought of their husbands ' retirement because they just want to do nothing .
3 This is hardly history but it is the past , and for those of us who are filled with wonder at those days , that past can give a powerful charge to one 's writing .
4 Very slender ideas with which to cover such large areas , very slender indeed , but nobody has ever complained of monotony ; rather we are filled with wonder by an experience so moving and poetic .
5 Classical and classicizing treatises on rhetoric and poetics are filled with descriptions of these linguistic ornaments , most of which have been codified to a very high degree .
6 Those who have worked with the animals are filled with nostalgia for the gentle giants .
7 Thus the state papers and personal archives of men prominent at court are filled with requests for office .
8 All the books can be had for under £2 and are filled with ideas for taking further .
9 Doctors ' surgeries are filled with sufferers from countless illnesses which often fall into the category of ‘ stress-related ’ : high blood pressure , anxiety , ulcers , depression , tension , exhaustion , insomnia , phobias , skin conditions such as eczema ; and PMT can also worsen when we 're under intense pressure .
10 Further they are in recognised literary genres , such as the diary — The Diary of Laura Palmer , for example — and , apart from the obligatory cover photograph , are filled with words from cover to cover .
11 While Sunday provides the flash-point for our worship , this can only happen when our Mondays to Saturdays are filled with praise for God as well .
12 Headteachers are filled with consternation at the idea that comparative attendance figures across the LEA should be published .
13 ‘ I am filled with admiration for the new headquarters , Monsieur de Chavigny .
14 I have re-read this chapter many times — each time I am filled with thoughts of God 's love .
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