Example sentences of "the glass door " in BNC.

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1 Philip went close to the glass door , standing between his Mum and it .
2 I went with him to the glass door and stopped .
3 At the same time I could hear someone tapping frantically on the glass door of the kiosk , someone far too anxious to clamber in with me .
4 Somebody had broken the glass door of the shop , but Michael was n't worried .
5 She was pressing it for dear life now as if she was in a panic , and she kept her finger on it until , through the glass door , she saw the flicker of a candle weaving its way down through the shop .
6 She ran down the stairs and opened the glass door , and Catriona followed .
7 Still chuckling , George led the way back through the glass door into the inferno .
8 In the reflection on the glass door he thought he saw a red glow from his car , and glanced back across the road .
9 The glass door can be hinged left or right to suit your kitchen and there is a storage compartment below the oven .
10 The Gyroflo oven has Ticene linings as standard and the glass door has an in-built viewing panel .
11 Her voice rang in his brain like a memory : she closed the glass door behind her , and passed by the verandah steps into the garden out of sight .
12 He went to the glass door that led to the garden and looked out .
13 She 'd heard him at the glass door — a double knock , very light .
14 She pushed open the glass door , muttered good morning , and took her place in the queue .
15 Forgetting for a moment the strained atmosphere of the previous evening , Melissa slid back the glass door and stepped out on to the balcony .
16 Somebody stepped down from the street and peered through the glass door but seeing Wycliffe went away again .
17 I looked up , and the wobbly house-of-horrors mirror slipped its planes : the glass door opened , my father stared out and then gestured encouragingly , as if from a touchline .
18 She turned and walked the long clicking walk down the floor ( the shop strangely quenched of sound and movement ) , tugged back hard on the glass door and with a shake of shiny hair had passed into the random straggle of the street .
19 She peered through the glass door , half inclined to look for Dana in the bigger stores , when she was riveted by the sight of her twin appearing from behind a curtain .
20 A face comes through the glass door , and all of the reflections make me see Evan .
21 The Prophet stepped out onto the short balcony and slid the glass door closed behind him .
22 The one time Mayor of Arden , father of the bruised Grace ( ‘ Had it been Paddy Ashdown I would n't have minded one little bit ’ ) , had checked in at the desk and was about to carry his overnight bag up to his room when he noticed her through the glass door of an adjoining room .
23 ‘ Mark Garland , Chiropractor ’ , painted on the glass door of a small shop .
24 and the door , the glass door he wanted it erm like the lead glass , oh similar to these
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