Example sentences of "the street door " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Fatsia japonica under the stairs has become a real fatso , ’ Claudia pointed out , but she has a more manageable fatsia , which happily shares his pot by the street door by the Clematis montana ‘ Tetrarose . ’
2 The street door behind him opened .
3 ‘ Just a minute , ’ said Sergeant Davidson , going out of the street door with a bucket of water in his hand .
4 Mr. Russ would take up position just inside the street door armed with his cane .
5 The last of the six was occupied by Miss Kate Grace , a cripple from birth , who spent almost all day and every day standing on her crutches at the street door .
6 I would stand at the street door and wait until his tall , burly figure appeared , still plodding along with that measured tread acquired from years on the beat .
7 Sometimes , but not too often , there was the sound of a window being broken , whereupon a general speedy exodus took place , with the consequent panic whenever a knock came at the street door during the next few days .
8 Not only did the street door open on to a wide passage , but there were three large rooms downstairs , plus a scullery , the front room having a bay window .
9 In consequence of a previous burglary , he placed a secret mark on the street door , and on the morning of May 23rd , he found that the mark had been interfered with … the accused descended …
10 A skylight above the street door was closed and out of reach , but I tried to reach it anyway and was surprised when my fingers touched the ledge .
11 He spoke to the waiter , and struggling into his coat made for the street door .
12 By way of reply , Connor walked across the room , drew back the bolts on the street door and flung it open .
13 At the height of the festivities , the street door opened and Huw Pritchard came in , looking for Connor .
14 He seemed larger than ever under the low ceiling , and when he strode out through the street door , the saloon bar seemed quite empty without him .
15 Nick Frazer was standing just inside the street door , holding a wicker basket with a barred opening in it .
16 When he was nine he read Hamlet , no doubt a copy from his father 's bookshop , and , as he told Mrs Thrale later , when he came to the ghost scene he left the kitchen fireside and stood reading at the street door in Lichfield in order to ‘ have people about ’ .
17 After a few minutes a young woman came out of the street door below them and walked away .
18 She opened the street door with just the slightest qualm , remembering the night Foucard and Denis had stepped out of its darkness .
19 Down below the street door banged and footsteps tramped upstairs .
20 When they reached the street door they realized his problem .
21 From below came the noise of the street door .
22 The man 's eyes slid sideways to the street door .
23 I had locked the street door to my laboratory and broken the key .
24 Trees cut her view for part of the way and when she could see the street door leading to her flat she noticed a man dawdling by , looking up and down the pavement and then strolling back the way he had come .
25 If Shildon had waited on the stairs instead of leaving by the street door , he could creep back and force the flat door while she was asleep .
26 ‘ In nomine Patris — ’ he began when the street door burst open , and Killion rushed in .
27 ‘ Come up , ’ Loretta called gaily , pressing the button to release the street door .
28 As they opened the street door , a blast of cold air hit them .
29 She was just in time to hear the street door slam , two floors below .
30 The street door was locked so I pressed the button numbered 11 on the squawk box built into the porch .
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