Example sentences of "the office door " in BNC.

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1 The unit is nicknamed ‘ Charlie 's Angels ’ and , ironically , the men are not averse to drawing sexual graffiti on the office door .
2 The office door shuddered behind her , and a baying , as of hounds savaging each other , filled the suddenly silent wards .
3 Every day , I always used to stick my head around the office door and say , ‘ Anything for me today ? ’ — and one day they said , ‘ Well , we 're looking for dancers for the BBC 's production of Pistol Shot ( which was a play by Chekhov ) — maybe you 'd like to do it and choreograph it and use some of your students ? ’
4 ‘ Well , you have to keep the office door locked on a Saturday , do n't you ?
5 The Adjutant even permitted himself a rueful grin just as the office door itself opened and the CO strode in .
6 The office door was open .
7 At the office door I found that I was second in the queue , not first .
8 ‘ I drove up and parked outside the office door .
9 Ruane had his address book in his hand when he went to the office door .
10 Jack Price dosed the office door behind him , sat down heavily in the large swivel chair and watched the tin kettle popping rings .
11 As his first wife , June Barry , recalls , Whitaker was at work on another project when a knock at the office door heralded the entrance of Donald Wilson .
12 But while you 're doing that , I 'm trying to get the wages made up for — ’ began Josh , then exploded irritably as someone knocked at the office door : ‘ What is it now ? ’
13 I was- ’ She stopped as Ace and Petion came through the office door with a black man she did n't recognize .
14 She opened the office door .
15 Duvall joined him and began to shove hard , until the cabinet had juddered close up to the office door .
16 His face was a mask of alarm and he was looking back to the office door and the cabinet which was pushed up against it .
17 Jimmy waved a hand back at him to be silent , and then he had reached the office door , crouching down low .
18 ‘ So what do we do ? ’ asked Jimmy , looking back at the cabinet where it was wedged tight at the office door .
19 ‘ Yeah , ’ said Jimmy dryly , still looking at the office door .
20 In silence , they watched the office door and the cabinet .
21 ‘ Well ? ’ snapped Duvall , a little too loudly ; and enough to make him look nervously back in the direction of the office door .
22 But Duvall was already on his feet and heading for the office door .
23 Duvall was jerked away from Jimmy , spinning on his heels so that he was facing the office door again .
24 Cardiff was standing at the office door , gun raised in Duvall 's direction .
25 Sobbing , she seized Jimmy roughly again and began to drag him away , towards the office door .
26 Barbara dragged at the other arm , and they staggered to the office door as the Darkfall lightning continued to destroy the interior of the office .
27 He led the way to the office door .
28 The office door swung open after the briefest of taps .
29 The office door opened to admit Stephanie , with a cup of coffee for Roman .
30 When the office door closed , Mrs Phillips smiled at Karen , and said ,
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