Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] giving [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nor is it the case that in saying ‘ I promise to meet you ’ I am merely giving expression to — or reporting or describing — an inward , mental act .
2 In saying ‘ Do such-and-such ’ I am not giving expression to a belief .
3 I am just giving priority to those who were most instrumental in shaping my life and my general outlook in all matters appertaining to living .
4 There are a number of aspects about this privatisation which are already giving cause for alarm .
5 Betting against yourself is an each way bet , you 're just giving money to the bookie .
6 Secular agencies are also giving aid in both practical and consultative capacities .
7 The queen broached the matter to me and ostensibly I am now giving thought to my answer — what would you say to going in my place ? ’
8 These rather sweeping generalisations are now giving way to a more mature analysis of the contradictions of science and technology .
9 These are two respects in which the reformed law would not achieve maximum certainty , and those who argue that the terms would ‘ cause little problem of interpretation ’ are surely giving way to unwarranted optimism .
10 Chair , on the recommendations erm on item D , I 'm a bit unhappy about the use of the term ‘ natural ’ disasters , because I believe that many of the disasters that people in Oxford are actually giving money for are man made disasters , particularly matters of international economics and the unfair burden , erm unfair distribution of wealth which places a whole sector of the world in poverty , and I think , you know , you do get a magnificent response from people in Oxford to these charities , and we must be aware that there are a whole number of greater issues involved , and while I hear what you 're saying earlier on about you ca n't take on the problems of the whole world , I think when people are actually giving money to charities for example , like Oxfam , they are often unaware of these issues , and we do have a wider role in making the , joining with organisations like Oxfam in spreading public awareness on these issues .
11 Chair , on the recommendations erm on item D , I 'm a bit unhappy about the use of the term ‘ natural ’ disasters , because I believe that many of the disasters that people in Oxford are actually giving money for are man made disasters , particularly matters of international economics and the unfair burden , erm unfair distribution of wealth which places a whole sector of the world in poverty , and I think , you know , you do get a magnificent response from people in Oxford to these charities , and we must be aware that there are a whole number of greater issues involved , and while I hear what you 're saying earlier on about you ca n't take on the problems of the whole world , I think when people are actually giving money to charities for example , like Oxfam , they are often unaware of these issues , and we do have a wider role in making the , joining with organisations like Oxfam in spreading public awareness on these issues .
12 The poor are actually giving aid to the rich .
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