Example sentences of "[Wh det] would result [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He then went on to consider whether the further proceedings would be against the children 's interests under four heads : ( 1 ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation ; ( 2 ) the fact that , under section 91(1) , if in respect of any child a residence order were made in favour of the foster mother , the existing care order to the local authority would be discharged ; ( 3 ) the shared parental responsibility between the foster mother and the mother which would result from section 12(2) conferring parental responsibility upon the foster mother if a residence order were to be made in her favour ; ( 4 ) the time that would be likely to elapse before any substantive order could be made .
2 Mr Kawawa referred to the ‘ confusion ’ which would result from people being given information which contradicted what they were being told by their own government through Government and party channels .
3 At 31 December 1991 the US federal tax authorities had proposed adjustments relating to the assessment of certain profits earned during 1979 to 1983 by Ultramar Group companies operating outside the US and other matters which would result in taxes of approximately US$190 million plus interest .
4 Mr Asquith maintained that the Prime Minister and nobody else could preside over the War Committee , otherwise decisions might be arrived at which he could not agree to , which would result in friction and delay …
5 Nothing could be worse than the life I was leading at present , I thought , where the pressures from being homeless and unemployed were likely to force me into a series of criminal acts which would result in prison , or vagrancy at the least .
6 It was extremely likely that she was pleading with him to escape so she could lead him straight into a trap which would result in accusations of spying or some such thing .
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