Example sentences of "[Wh det] she 's got [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well I would probably want her not to have too much less than what she 's got at the moment because
2 I think what she 's got at the moment is toothache
3 It seems to me that parents carry these things on longer than the people involved — even Irene Markham seemed offhand with me , though God knows what she 's got to be huffy about . ’
4 Wonder what she 's got in that holdall ?
5 Yeah I 'm afraid so , I think it 's compounded by the fact that your , what your dad says sums it up beautifully about your mum , I was talking to him about , you know , what does she , what she 's got in her life other than what she ever had other than a home , working and so on , has she got any hobbies at home or does she do anything is there anything that takes her mind off things
6 seventh , can tell daddy what she 's got in her garden
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