Example sentences of "[Wh det] one [modal v] expect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The heads of the metatarsals were fused , which one would expect to be accomplished by nineteen years , but fusion had not taken place in the secondary pelvic centres .
2 The most noteworthy cases are those which one would expect to be pleonastic , but are not .
3 One of the many unusual facets of Hannah Hauxwell is her reaction to certain situations which would daunt much more apparently sophisticated people and which one would expect to be overwhelming for a simple soul from the back of beyond , such as meeting , on level terms some of the famous and mighty , or appearing in front of milling crowds and even standing up to address them .
4 Or as Krafft-Ebing put it , ‘ The sexual functions of men exercise a very marked influence upon the development and preservation of character ’ , so that manliness and self reliance were not the qualities which one would expect from the ‘ impotent onanist ’ .
5 Within these one can still discern the ‘ earlier ’ items , whose syntactic combination in accordance with Montague 's formation rules involves only relatively minor peripheral modifications ( just what one would expect on the Sampson-Simon model ) .
6 Like the pelagic trilobites , individual graptoloid species are very widespread , which is what one would expect of an animal with the wide ocean as its habitat .
7 Their search led , by the middle of the 1940s , to a compound , 2:6-diaminopurine , which had effects in mammals and chicks ‘ about what one would expect of a substance which interferes with nucleic acid metabolism in some way ’ .
8 It is important to note that the consonants that have undergone assimilation have not disappeared ; in the above examples , the duration of the consonants remains more or less what one would expect for a two-consonant cluster .
9 And , to make it all seem almost too good to be true the total number of possible W particles seen by both UA1 and UA2 is just what one would expect from the total number of proton-antiproton collisions that the two experiments have observed .
10 Here the signs indicate that the cycle track ends and that cars are forbidden from entering , while the surface alterations and provision of bike parking would be what one would expect from a well-planned shopping centre .
11 In terms of findings , Woodward 's 60 per cent cognate score for American and French Sign Languages represents quite a low degree of similarity over what one would expect from any two unrelated sign languages , and this suggests that ASL and French Sign Language are not very closely related .
12 This , indeed , seems to be what one would expect from the point of view of intuitionist philosophers in general .
13 From everything I have said , I am sure that my Hon. Friends will agree that it is a model pension scheme , which is what one would expect from the public sector .
14 Evidence from the Home Office consultant pathologist , Professor Alan Usher , discovered no abnormality except pneumonia due to lung statis ; ‘ exactly what one would expect in poisoning by a respiratory depressant drug . ’
15 This is what one would expect in a process that feeds back positively on itself , further promoting the conditions that got it going in the first place .
16 The performable format of Dame Sirith , however , is not what one would expect in light of the French tradition .
17 How many of the 200 knights should be counted as members of Lisiard of Amboise 's household can not be determined ; the number is rather more what one might expect of the household of a great prince .
18 The other tracts which were written by Lothar before he became pope show a pastoral concern , an interest in almsgiving , in sin , in penance , in the sacrament of marriage and in the priestly office ( " De sacro altaris mysterio " ) : perhaps what one might expect of a Paris theologian of this period .
19 Diphtheria and measles , against which mass vaccinations have also been instituted , showed fairly abrupt falls immediately after introduction of the respective vaccines and indicate what one might expect of a successful programme .
20 He is described as playing tricks on Jewish moneylenders in order to finance his soldiery , and generally behaving in a manner very far from what one might expect from the deeds of similar heroes such as Roland , Ogier or Lancelot .
21 Fuel burn at around 11 gallons per hour was what one might expect from the power plant , and the aircraft would undoubtedly benefit from turbo-charging although as always the trade-off in this is going to be increased maintenance costs .
22 And they had fought for their country in 1939 when the Irish Republic remained neutral which was , after all , just what one could expect of rebels who had taken advantage of Britain 's involvement in the First World War to stage the 1916 Easter Rising .
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