Example sentences of "[Wh det] have yet to be " in BNC.

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1 The general 's effective rejection of the peace charter , which has yet to be formally presented by the 31 Christian and 31 Muslim deputies gathered in Taif for the past two weeks , risks plunging Lebanon into a new cycle of the violence from which it temporarily escaped when the Arab League brokered a ceasefire on 23 September .
2 None the less the general point which underlies Marx 's concept of production for use , as opposed to production for exchange , seems , in spite of the objections just considered , a fundamental advance which has yet to be fully appreciated .
3 The first needs no elaboration ; the second stemmed from socialism and the growing demands of the Welfare State ; and the third created rampant inflation in the cost of defence equipment , which has yet to be mastered .
4 The Willie Morgan Case was re-opened by a pseudo — investigative television programme entitled The Thought Police which has yet to be broadcast .
5 Kim Barnett 's team has a degree of success to its credit , which has yet to be translated into prosperity on and off the field .
6 The initial deal was for the release of two singles and a potential album deal which has yet to be finalised . ’
7 Presumably , RasGRF is recruited to the membrane by a different mechanism in response to incoming signals , the nature of which has yet to be determined .
8 Although this proposition is wide enough to cover payment made in response to an illegal demand it was stated in the context of a court order of which the compulsitor must be assumed to be very much stronger than that of a mere demand which has yet to be enforced .
9 A further aspect of the new system , which has yet to be fully exploited by centres , is that the Higher National Units which make up the new courses can be taken individually by candidates , rather than in complete courses .
10 One issue which has yet to be resolved is that of the provision of large-scale Ordnance Survey mapping .
11 It was not : for , as we have seen , organised labour very soon and consciously became the necessary reciprocal to employing capital and so constituted with it the developed system which had yet to be called Capitalism .
12 But that time must yet remain a few days ahead , while everywhere lay in the throes of a natural disaster — the nature of which had yet to be determined — and while the snow still fell as thickly as it did .
13 Under the terms of the bill , which had yet to be signed by President Corazon Aquino , civilian and military coup leaders would face life imprisonment whilst other participants could receive 20-year prison terms .
14 The main points were ( i ) a tax of 0.3 per cent on financial transactions ( ITMF ) , in force until 1994 , but not applying to wage cheques , pension payments and popular savings accounts ; ( ii ) to fight tax evasion an instruction to banks to report in specific cases and at the Finance Minister 's request all movements of individuals ' and companies ' accounts ; ( iii ) the simplification of the tax system with the elimination of three social contributions and their replacement by valued added tax ( VAT ) of between 7 and 10 per cent ; ( iv ) the elimination of taxes on manufactured products , fuel sales and additional income , and their replacement by a selective tax ( the rate of which had yet to be specified ) on cars , alcoholic drinks , fuels , electricity and telecommunications ; ( v ) the elimination of the separate collection of taxes by state and municipal governments and another by municipal government , so that all taxes ( except the ITMF ) would be collected by the federal government and shared with the states and municipalities , expected to produce a real increase in their revenues of 9 and 17 per cent respectively ; and ( vi ) a ban on the contracting of fresh debts by the Federal District , states and the municipalities until the year 2000 .
15 Mr Brown 's requests suggest there were further hidden subsidies which have yet to be disclosed officially .
16 Before the Gulf war , the cartel sanctioned two fare increases , which have yet to be reversed despite the subsequent fall in fuel prices .
17 There will be a transitional period , details of which have yet to be released , during which the amount of the repayment within an accounting period will be reduced .
18 By the end of April next year it is hoped the project will have created between six and eight additional walks , in locations which have yet to be decided .
19 Apart from famous chateaux like Sanssouci and Rheinsberg , the book covers lesser known country houses , medieval monasteries , historic villages and small towns , as well as twentieth-century villas , estates and utilitarian buildings , most of which have yet to be ( re ) discovered by a wider public in the West .
20 This creates additional problems of target language suitability , problems which have yet to be solved .
21 With the changing balance of power between the working and middle class , it is suggested that we have witnessed the destruction of traditional codes which have yet to be replaced by a similarly coherent new set :
22 Miss Rantzen was ordered to pay a third of the newspaper 's appeal costs — which have yet to be calculated .
23 Indeed , the Secretary of State for the Environment has said that we should remove the county council layer of government and move down to all-purpose districts , the size and boundaries of which have yet to be decided .
24 Since the 1972 Act , there have been many additional authorities to Brussels through European Court judgments , individual directives and the implications and effects of the Single European Act , quite apart from the effect of the treaties which we have agreed in the past two days but which have yet to be ratified by Parliament .
25 We are now more aware of those problems , and there are possibilities under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 — some of which are already being followed and others which have yet to be taken up — to deal with past laxity .
26 The latter was notably reticent in opening its armouries to UN inspection in July and undergoing the anxiety of a further UN deadline the following month , provoking problems which have yet to be resolved .
27 There have been striking changes in biological productivity at higher trophic levels in the North Pacific , the mechanisms for which have yet to be fully explained .
28 And that in addition some three and a half thousand dwellings are contained in draft local plans which have yet to be tested through the the local plan process .
29 In May , the electorate of Wear Valley chose the Liberals after being given a multitude of promises which have yet to be fulfilled .
30 District council tax rates , which have yet to be set , must be added to these figures .
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