Example sentences of "[Wh det] be estimated to be " in BNC.

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1 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
2 These costs are partly offset by revenues from the sale of the signal to other users , which were estimated to be £235,000 during the experiment .
3 The Select Committee on Agriculture , of which I am a member , is about to launch a major inquiry into Britain 's food trade gap , which is estimated to be about £6 billion .
4 Greenpeace has published an analysis showing that an illicit trade in toxic waste exists which is estimated to be three times larger than the legal trade .
5 The problem is compounded by increased water consumption — up by 70 per cent per head compared to 30 years ago — and leakage in the supply system , which is estimated to be running at around 20 per cent .
6 It does n't compare to the recent find by Suffolk farmer Eric Laws , which is estimated to be worth millions .
7 But existing mean farm size is too small for a vigorous , self-sustaining ‘ take-off ( which was estimated to be possible at a minimum farm size of 1.8 ha ) .
8 In early December 1990 the Defence Department had released an internal report which cited " errors of judgment and failures of supervision " in the programme which was estimated to be at least $1,300 million over budget and 18 months behind schedule .
9 Seventy per cent of working women are paid less than what 's estimated to be a ‘ living wage ’ .
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