Example sentences of "[Wh det] be happening [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 LEDs alongside certain buttons indicate which mode of operation has been selected and these do help in keeping tabs on what 's happening during programming .
2 What 's happening for James ' birthday ?
3 I think there 's a connection with what 's happening on Nicaea . ’
4 ‘ Directly you see what 's happening on TV you can do what you like .
5 That 's on Sunday , so what 's happening on Sunday Carla ?
6 what 's happening on March the second ?
7 John Raby would like to clarify what 's happening on Thursday next week .
8 If it 's still light and we can see what , I du n no what 's happening on Saturday .
9 What 's happening with Philip I do n't know whether Philip will be able I think what we 'll have to do is one of us will have to drive the Metro
10 I do n't want what 's happening at work to affect their outcome , especially as success will mean I can get a better job elsewhere .
11 You know , I mean you , the problem with you and dad is , cos you never got particularly involved with it you do n't , you do n't know exactly what 's happening at school , you do n't know what we do .
12 It helps a great deal to keep us in touch with what 's happening at school and enables us to exert some influence , I suppose , on what happens in schools , hopefully in the interests of the candidates .
13 He 's beginning to become more accessible , more thoughtful and more interested in what 's happening at Blenheim which is one of the great national institutions .
14 Er , and a completely separate question now , entertainment er , could you just tell us a bit more about what 's happening at Alton Towers and also how you think it 's gon na be affected by EuroDisney ?
15 keeping you up to date with what 's happening at home and around the world .
16 At 5 o'clock forget about work and give some in-depth thought to what 's happening at home .
17 KEYS : ‘ Mark , somewhat distanced from it now , what 's you 're impression of what 's happening at Anfield . ’
18 What 's happening at ZZAP !
19 ‘ Can you find out what 's happening to Saxe-Weimar ? ’
20 What 's happening to UK manufacturing ?
21 What 's , what 's happening to prices ?
22 Peacock plans no decision on his future until he knows what 's happening to boss Kevin Keegan .
23 Peacock plans no decision on his future until he knows what 's happening to boss Kevin Keegan .
24 If everybody here just rang up the Foreign Office , rang up their MP , or wrote to the Prime Minister — it 's everybody 's right to do that — and said ‘ What 's happening to John McCarthy ?
25 If you take pain killers regularly you like thousands of others have probably been worried after hearing what 's happening to Michael Jackson .
26 I think er it 's tragic what happened to Ray and I think it 's also tragic what 's happening to people .
27 I have n't a clue what 's happening to Bet Lynch . ’
28 Tucker wants to know what 's happening about Francis 's personal effects .
29 The house is open to the public that day , so I 'll be in the kiosk answering questions from people and occasionally thinking about what 's happening in London .
30 Have n't you seen what 's happening in Germany and the rest of Europe ?
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