Example sentences of "[Wh det] be by [det] accounts " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Vadim Medvedev also indicated there were no plans to set the record straight about what happened at the December 9 meeting of the Central Committee — which was by all accounts a turbulent one — by publishing the minutes .
2 At the summit , which was by all accounts an exceptionally heated affair , President Mubarak broke with Arab tradition and forced through a majority vote , rather than wait for the emergence of a unanimous compromise .
3 It was in Lucerne that you conducted what were by all accounts electrifying performances of the Honegger Symphonie liturgique , which you later recorded for Deutsche Grammophon .
4 Hard by to the south of the lower lake is the huge upstanding molar of the Pic du Midi d'Ossau , grimly handsome with , on its eastern slopes , what is by all accounts one of the Pyrenees ' largest populations of izard .
5 Mandela had what was by all accounts a successful meeting with the UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on July 4 , describing her afterwards as an " enemy of apartheid " .
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