Example sentences of "[Wh det] be already [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 In some cases the school 's survival would depend on it , especially schools which were already threatened by falling rolls due to demographic factors .
2 The proposal , which is already supported by police and hospitals , would limit late-night pub and club opening to 1:30am across a three-square-mile area of central Edinburgh , which encompasses about 500 licensed premises .
3 It therefore covers conduct which is already penalised by the crimes of rape and unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 .
4 If you also take that away and you also take away land which is already covered by settlement , I would suggest that you 're left with very little and so what 's the strategic gap ?
5 Financial Secretary Hamish Macleod denied the move was a snub to the Chinese government in Peking which is already enraged by Governor Chris Patten 's plans for democratic reform .
6 A strike of about twenty-five staff in the sterile supplies stores had dramatically reduced activity , which was already hampered by the union policy of refusing admission to any but emergency cases .
7 This factor of material prosperity , which was already cited by Sombart ( 1906 ) at the beginning of this century as a partial explanation of the absence of any large-scale socialist movement in the US , acquired particularly great importance in the period following the Second World War , when economic growth took place more rapidly than ever before , and the question could be posed as to whether the US did not simply show to capitalist Europe the image of its own future — a future that would be characterized by a decline of the socialist movement , and indeed of all ideological revolutionary parties and movements .
8 It is what is already done by the intelligent undergraduate who , when recommended to read a work by that great scholar Jones of St. Jude 's , goes round to a friend at St. Jude 's to ask what sort of chap Jones is , and what bees he has in his bonnet .
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