Example sentences of "[Wh det] proved to be a " in BNC.

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1 As a result twenty-nine food ships — the organizing of which proved to be a good way of strengthening support , were sent to Republican Spain during the three years of the civil war .
2 I went with Harry in the ambulance to Maidenhead hospital , both of us swathed in blankets , Harry also in a foil-lined padded wrap used for hypothermia cases ; and from then on it was a matter of phoning and reassuring Fiona and waiting to see the extent of Harry 's injuries , which proved to be a pierced calf , entry and exit wounds both clean and clotted , with no dreadful damage in between .
3 The ammunition drums were loaded with a mixture of incendiary , explosive and tracer rounds , which proved to be a lethal cocktail when used against aircraft and road transport .
4 We followed the programme devised centrally , which proved to be a bonus when companies wishing to link into more than one school could identify readily what was happening as the process was common to each school .
5 It was held at Bentley Technical College , a TAFE college in Perth , which proved to be a pleasant setting .
6 Since he owned the poker dice , Peter claimed to be the proprietor of the Emperor 's Luck Casino , which proved to be a far-sighted move .
7 On that rather complacement note matters rested until 1958 , the year in which A. W. Phillips of the London School of Economics published a paper which proved to be a landmark in the evolution of macroeconomic ideas .
8 The ‘ winter of discontent ’ and the subsequent return of the Conservatives for what proved to be a very lengthy period of rule seemed to most observers to mark a profound watershed .
9 But there was little disguising Tory delight in what proved to be a highly effective exercise in damage limitation , despite the above-average swing towards Labour .
10 After my men had rested we climbed up to the road , and set off on what proved to be a very long twenty-mile march to the forest Rest House at Haira Khan .
11 It was an unhappy start to what proved to be a contentious relationship , with Lugard wanting to turn the clock back to the days of his undisputed pre-eminence , and Temple , whose sense of his own consequence was equally developed , treating him as primus ( barely ) inter pares .
12 Souness decided to make what proved to be a decisive substitution , replacing Ronnie Rosenthal with Walters .
13 The hole cards for what proved to be a $2 million pot looked pretty small at the time : for Dastmalchi , for Jacobs .
14 The mayor of Dushanbe , Maksud Ikramov , issued what proved to be a highly controversial decree on the same day allowing the removal of statues of Lenin .
15 Several times on my pilgrimage through Biomorph Land I seemed to come close to a precursor of my insects , but , then , in spite of my best efforts as a selecting agent , evolution went off on what proved to be a false trail .
16 ‘ The clock itself also had attention and work on what proved to be a fairly major project finished in 1991 . ’
17 I seem to remember the Labour Party being dragged down what proved to be a very long dark road indeed by the trade unions .
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