Example sentences of "[Wh det] tend to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because here your situation , the murder that has been committed , is if anything more static , and your detective 's progress towards unravelling it is liable to become a rather dull series of minor discoveries , often arising from interviews which tend to be similar in pattern .
2 that such an arts education fosters those long established cultural traditions and normative assumptions about gender which tend to be inhibitive rather than enriching of personal development and sensibility , and discouraging rather than encouraging of purposeful action in the world .
3 This may sound rather woolly , but it is in fact the instrumental arguments which tend to be woolly in failing to show the relationship between instrumental means ( more business studies graduates ) and desirable ends ( more happiness , justice , freedom ) .
4 That has inspired fears over potential damage to the occupants ' ears due to the sudden pressure change within European saloons which tend to be smaller than those in the US , and also to worries about the ability to control the car in the unlikely event that the bag deploys accidentally .
5 But many others , which tend to be more niche , specialised and smaller businesses , have done very well in world markets . ’
6 I paint directly using simple compositions , which tend to be linear , even flat , rather than based on any sophisticated concept of leading the viewer 's eye into the picture .
7 a rejection of all foreign models of development which tend to be materialistic , dehumanising and which fail to recognise the creative developmental efforts of our own people as the requisite basis for a sustainable developmental process ;
8 However , Kaldor recognised that there is , in fact , a difference between capital gains , which tend to be unique or non-recurrent items , and income , which is recurrent .
9 There is a range of views and practices , most of which tend to be responsive .
10 Black people can be denied eligibility by rules which were originally drawn up for completely different purposes ; property let to ethnic minorities tends to be of lower quality than that allocated to the white population ; and black families , which tend to be larger , may not find council accommodation which is large enough for their needs ( Brown , 1984 ) .
11 This is rare in cars of this type , which tend to be fun for the driver , but a bore for anybody unlucky enough to end up in the back .
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