Example sentences of "[Wh det] does [not/n't] mean [that] " in BNC.

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1 Those born on a Friday are said to be marked out for special piety , which does not mean that they will be pious necessarily ; only that their natures are imbued with that proclivity .
2 Firstly , they are multi-class , which does not mean that class struggles do not exist .
3 In this sense , Kant argues , ‘ the dog can not judge ’ , which does not mean that it is fair game for any purpose we might devise .
4 These concerns must be recognised as specific , which does n't mean that semiotics or Lacanian film theory has no relevance outside the established framework of Anglo-American and European cinema , but rather that their legitimacy should not automatically be assumed or their dominance remain uncontested in the light of developments within feminism at large .
5 Which does n't mean that I can bloody well fathom them out .
6 Which does n't mean that I am convinced , I would never rely on Rosie-Posie 's gossip alone . ’
7 Rather little to respond to I think which does n't mean that good work has not been done .
8 Which does n't mean that they 're gon na do it does it ?
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