Example sentences of "[Wh det] he have come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Here was the team which he had come to when it was struggling pathetically at the bottom of the First Division ; the team which he had made one of the greatest in the history of football , beaten by a fifth-rate side .
2 This was a clear breach of the understanding on which he had come on a joint mission to the pope .
3 Although he came to Parliaments regularly enough , he spent his last twenty years running his diocese with the same competent mediocrity by which he had come by it .
4 Incidentally , though Walker is held to be still more than a touch rusty after so long away from rugby — inclined , for instance , to carry the ball under the wrong arm — the rapidity with which he has come into cap contention ought to be food for thought for our own Jamie Henderson .
5 The Major began to feel that Onyx Muggeridge was not quite what he had come to a Parents ' Evening for , and was quite grateful when the headmaster disengaged himself with palpable reluctance from the Fromes and sailed in his direction , exuding Manner .
6 ‘ Pettigrew and I are going for a stroll , ’ said Mark , who had been finding the atmosphere of the tea room rather oppressive and not really what he had come to Rome for .
7 But he tempered the apprehensiveness with a shrug-of-the-shoulders-and-oh-what-the-hell attitude which told me that in his view the experience , and not the heroics of the impression he might create , was what mattered , was what he would enjoy , was what he had come for .
8 After all , that was what he had come for .
9 He was walking in and out of the bays , studying the bookshelves as though that was what he had come for .
10 Mark tells us so much about who Jesus is and what he 's come for just by showing us that one miracle but what I 'm suggesting to you here is that you can look for greater meaning in it , further symbolism .
11 Whatever he 's come for , he 's not going to eat you !
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