Example sentences of "[Wh det] was regarded as [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was , moreover , a considerable amount of discretion in terms of what might count as ‘ violence ’ in a street robbery , and it seems likely that street robbers were more commonly charged with ‘ bag-snatching ’ which was regarded as a less serious offence than ‘ robbery with violence ’ .
2 The Edinburgh journeymen compositors had succeeded in 1803 in their appeal to the courts to sanction a document known as the Interlocutor — an extraordinarily complicated scale of piece-work rates — which was regarded as a great victory .
3 There was debate in 1990-1991 over proposals for the modification of the 1982 Constitution , which was regarded as a legacy from the period of military rule .
4 Once , this head felt , it was simply education which was regarded as a universal blessing .
5 Malaysia was the first ASEAN country to open a diplomatic office in the southern city , which was regarded as the country 's commercial capital and where , according to the VNA report , " a number " of Malaysians were " doing business " .
6 Valeriu Pescaru , nominated as a Cabinet-rank Secretary of State responsible for the privatization of agriculture , was a member of the small Democratic Agrarian Party , which was regarded as an NSF satellite .
7 … there was increasing public concern at what was regarded as the growing shamelessness of prostitutes , in the streets of London and some other big cities .
8 The first run was at Stratford-upon-Avon , a place that was used to a different kind of theatre entirely , and ended at what was regarded as the graveyard of intimate revue , Blackpool .
9 The Association also published a detailed rebuttal of what was regarded as an offensive and misleading book about the island by a writer of popular travelogues .
10 We all know the story of the two beautiful swans who brought forth what was regarded as an ugly duckling but which later surprised everyone by turning into a swan itself .
11 In what was regarded as an important shift in foreign policy India agreed , during high-level talks in Washington on March 8-10 , to resume bilateral discussions with the USA on nuclear non-proliferation .
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