Example sentences of "[Wh det] was left [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The dancers avoided the illuminated area , which was left to the middle-aged , balancing plates and only occasionally laughing .
2 These directors were usually given responsibility for all aspects of quality except medical quality , which was left to the initiatives of the Royal Colleges ( see , for instance , RCGP 1985 ; Campling et al.
3 The lenders , whose objects were left in embarrassing limbo when the show made museum history and went bankrupt a month early , may have asked themselves whether they would have been prepared to lend had it not been held at the V&A , and , in fact , it was the V&A which was left with the unbudgeted task of getting the exhibits back to the owners .
4 The northern half of the piazza , which was left at a lower level to accommodate a pedestrian subway ( unbuilt as yet ) to the nearby Forum des Halles shopping centre , will be filled in .
5 The bomb , which was left in the bargain book department on the first floor of the store , destroyed four units .
6 This is particularly important in the ideological vacuum which was left by the retreat of empire from Africa and Asia where much soil conservation had been designed by colonial administration .
7 We all see with one pair of eyes , Raskolnikov 's , when the visual field narrows upon the back of an old woman 's head , her hair ‘ thick with grease , twisted into a rat's-tail plait and gathered up under what was left of a broken horn comb which stuck out at the nape of her neck ’ .
8 I lay with my feet toward the open end of the tent , unfastened my canteen and boiled what was left of a cabbage I had bought in Adrar .
9 Aft of this was what was left of a small radio-room with a man who appeared to be peacefully sleeping leaning forward on folded arms , the fingers of one hand still on a transmitting key .
10 Rose gathered up what was left of the sandwiches of tinned salmon and sardines .
11 What was left of the three dead ones was by the fence .
12 Jos said to Mungo , breaking what was left of the ice .
13 Such colour as there was drained from her face , and what was left of the biscuit fell from her hand .
14 Something snapped inside her and she found herself grabbing the mutton and wresting the plate , with what was left of the uncut joint still on it , and running with it from his crazed presence .
15 And by 1830 in France the two currents had parted — the powerful and propertied recognized the unpropertied as a graver threat than what was left of the old order .
16 He poured what was left of the hot water from the kettle into it , then pressed the cork firmly down into the opening with the palm of his hand .
17 She would fall thirty feet to the beach below , and they would find her , crushed and broken , beneath what was left of the chair .
18 She stayed loyal to what was left of the Shelley circle .
19 Inevitably it was even more chaotic than the first , with no sort of line possible to be kept by the attackers , and what was left of the encampment now a shambles .
20 He set the tray down gently by the bedside , and picked up what was left of the mummy .
21 I laughed at myself , felt better , and settled down on the window-seat in the sun to enjoy what was left of the afternoon .
22 Starting out for Espero Fray Gary , the warm up area near the campground , we had to use what was left of the road after a landslide and I soon learned an essential fact about climbing in Spain — it 's a great advantage to be able to speak some Spanish .
23 During another epoch , the polar ice-cap expanded and covered a large part of the northern hemisphere , and it was only when that receded about 12,000 years ago that what was left of the Thulean Province reappeared from beneath the ice as the island we now call Iceland .
24 She gave him what was left of the already denuded packet : only two hundred pounds , it was true , and nothing like what it should be .
25 She told her wrist computer to give the speeder the settings for the shuttle hangar , and as the automatic pilot cut in she turned , intending to climb up to what was left of the weapons deck .
26 It now lodged not only what was left of the Headleand family , but also the private part of Liz 's practice , and the practices of two of her colleagues : a shared secretary had taken over what had once been the au pair girl 's flat .
27 And it was here , after the house-warming party which began with hours of few arrivals and long silences , that she and Hugh had finished what was left of the Carafino and found themselves in the narrow bed in the basement where this dramatically argumentative child had been conceived .
28 Before they went to bed they had filled buckets with what was left of the pool to use in the lavatories .
29 If you go to Consett in County Durham you come along the road and there 's the town and what was left of the old steel works because the steel works was built there because of its easy access to the iron ore deposits .
30 It took three hours to get what was left of the body out .
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