Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] be found in " in BNC.

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1 Before attempting to describe the various approaches to learning and teaching which may be found in the contemporary primary school , it would be appropriate to list in the broadest of terms the key elements which lie at the heart of the curriculum .
2 Graded assessment , referred to as " Graduated tests " in the Cockcroft Report , has a number of features associated with it , some or all of which may be found in existing schemes .
3 2.3 The proposals for change embodied in the report were accepted and a new arrangement of 35 modules was agreed which may be found in Section 00 of Interdisciplinary Studies in the National Certificate Catalogue under the heading Physical Education and Recreation ( see Annex 2 ) .
4 Then , individual terms which may be found in various types of computer contracts will be discussed in subsequent chapters with a view to avoiding the disasters that await the unwary .
5 The Law Society has in force strict regulations ( a summary of which may be found in Chapter 12 ) regarding clients ' money and trust money , though infractions of the relevant rules do seem to occur with depressing frequency .
6 Where the Act does apply it seeks to regulate all the different types of exclusion clause which may be found in a contract .
7 But at least he could , if armed with field sketches , show an animal on a food plant , perhaps ; or depict various species which might be found in the same rockpool or stretch of veldt .
8 Section 0610 provides comprehensive listings of the contents , conditions and definitions which might be found in a heads of agreement letter .
9 It was an attitude of mind which had existed long before the sixteenth century ; the great change was that an attitude which could be found in a number of separate societies was suddenly turned by the expansion of Europe into a force that altered the way that the whole world ran its affairs .
10 The sample of 120 households was therefore divided into three matched lists of 40 addresses , A , B and C. Each provided a coverage of the major social and ethnic variations in residential pattern similar to that which could be found in the original list of 120 .
11 A celebrated , final , example is that of Sideroxylon ( Calvaria ) sessilijlorum ( Sapotaceae ) , only geriatric trees of which could be found in Mauritius , to which island it is restricted .
12 Geochemists are likely to be interested in tectonic controls on their analyses , which would be found in stratigraphic theses on their areas .
13 Technical Following this overview of LIFESPAN 's component parts and modification processes , the next step is to gain a more detailed understanding of applying the modularising and packaging techniques , which will be found in ‘ Creating and Controlling Modules and Packages with LIFESPAN ’ .
14 Anyone unskilled in wood bending would find it helpful to read a more detailed description of the process , which can be found in most books on guitar or violin construction .
15 If they were not , then , as we saw in the echoes of this theory which can be found in Hobbes 's resolutio-compositive method , the proper order of demonstration would have been reversed .
16 Seeds of Acer are rare compared with the leaves , which can be found in rocks dating back to the Cretaceous period .
17 The historical development which can be found in any long-established library also goes .
18 The vast and highly mechanized modern industry of printing , which can be found in every town and city in the kingdom , has been dispersed during five hundred years from this one spot which ought to be holy ground to the industrialist as well as the Christian .
19 All these agencies have local offices in many areas of the country , the addresses of which can be found in the telephone directory or the local public library .
20 Initially at any rate , it is best to choose packs that contain the types of component which can be found in practically every project .
21 These are not the kind of facts which can be found in the history books ; they are small matters which would be of no real importance except to the people concerned .
22 Of a wisdom which can be found in the smallest gleam , as well as in the fiercest blaze of light .
23 Craigendarroch 's information pack — which can be found in your room — is a mine of information on the many activities and placed to see in this fascinatingly diverse area .
24 The two were banned from international athletics for their parts in ‘ The Olympic Project for Human Rights ’ ( details of which can be found in Edwards , 1970 ) .
25 To begin with , the Cretan vases were made out of chlorite or chlorite schist , but the vase makers soon branched out into other materials , favouring especially the relatively soft and easily worked serpentine which can be found in various parts of central and eastern Crete .
26 Parents to children I shall begin by looking at support which flows from parents to children , examples of which can be found in all the categories which I have listed , although personal care in a sense is the least important because most adult children do not need it .
27 At the same time these avenues depend for their inspiration on a more abstract set of values of community and democracy which can be found in political theory .
28 Having established that there is a sound basis for regulating conflicts of interest in the financial markets , and bearing in mind the very real contribution which economic analysis can make , let us move on and isolate some of the pressing conflict of interest situations which can be found in financial conglomerates post-Big Bang .
29 This is a traditional , well-established hotel and is ideal for those who wish to be close to the town 's many amenities — shops , restaurants and sights — and yet seek the peace and tranquillity which can be found in the hotel 's beautiful gardens .
30 Richards holds that in poetry the function of " feeling " tends to dominate that of " sense " , while Jakobson identifies a special " poetic " function , which can be found in many uses of language , but which dominates over other functions in poetry .
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