Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [modal v] expect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suggest a set of sequences of assignment statements , which you would expect to be typical of programs involving arithmetic calculation .
2 Spreadsheets are also borrowing features from other categories of package , such as Excel 's multi-language spellchecker and thesaurus , which you might expect in a word processor but will be pleasantly surprised to find in a spreadsheet .
3 Causing grievous bodily harm to someone now you might say that 's a very serious offence which you should expect to be prosecuted .
4 The heads of the metatarsals were fused , which one would expect to be accomplished by nineteen years , but fusion had not taken place in the secondary pelvic centres .
5 The most noteworthy cases are those which one would expect to be pleonastic , but are not .
6 One of the many unusual facets of Hannah Hauxwell is her reaction to certain situations which would daunt much more apparently sophisticated people and which one would expect to be overwhelming for a simple soul from the back of beyond , such as meeting , on level terms some of the famous and mighty , or appearing in front of milling crowds and even standing up to address them .
7 Or as Krafft-Ebing put it , ‘ The sexual functions of men exercise a very marked influence upon the development and preservation of character ’ , so that manliness and self reliance were not the qualities which one would expect from the ‘ impotent onanist ’ .
8 Yet the quality , the range of frequencies we can detect , is only a fifth of that which we would expect from a reasonable Hi-Fi system .
9 I think that his decision was an honourable one and one which we would expect from an honourable man .
10 The Saturday Review described the scheme as the ‘ sort of meagre and crude distribution of all the allotted space — and of a great deal more besides — into parallelograms , which we might expect from the speculative projector of Great Franklin Pierce City , Nebraska ’ .
11 We should also not rule out the possibility that one may properly look to a historical explanation , just as a historical explanation underlies the fact that the comparatives of tired and spoilt — derived from verbs — are analytic , as in : ( 56 ) Declan is more spoilt than Karen Declan 's mother is more tired than Karen 's mother rather than the synthetic forms — tireder , spoilter — which we should expect from the monosyllabic adjectives which they have become .
12 Those who left service for marriage were as often as not entering an economically less secure situation : rarely one in which they could expect to be " kept " in comfort .
13 I promise him the same standard of service in my car as that which he would expect to be provided by a Conservative borough , or even a Conservative taxi service operated by myself .
14 the resources which he could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and
15 … a boy or youth who is induced by means of gifts whether in money or in kind to participate in homosexual behaviour as a source of easy money or as a means of enjoying material comforts or other pleasures beyond those which he could expect by decent behaviour , and we have encountered cases where this has happened .
16 Well i I 'm not aware of how far he has taken anything on board , what I would expect as a Member of Parliament and the House of Commons , and as the leader of a party in the House of Commons , I would expect that he would want to hear what I would have to say face to face , and tell me face to face what 's wrong with what I have said .
17 The clean channel ranges from a sparkle to a dark , deep and warm tone — exactly what I 'd expect from a solid state clean channel .
18 ‘ The corrosion rate is not out of line with what you would expect of a steel hull lying in quiet sea water , ’ claimed John Bernie , head of the National Physical Laboratory 's National Corrosion Service .
19 ‘ Economical , refined , clean but also powerful , BMW 's diesel is what you would expect of BMW but no less remarkable for that ’
20 And that 's a hundred and seventy , which is what you would expect for your age .
21 Well that 's it , it ca n't be right , it ca n't be right , because what you would expect in there , is another sort of perspex piece that comes at an angle like that .
22 At the end of the debriefing we are all still on speaking terms , and no one disagrees violently with the criticism of his performance , which is What you would expect from anyone Who aspires to take their profession seriously .
23 All it covers is the basic treatment in line with the minimum requirement in the country where you are staying — and that can be very different from what you would expect from the NHS .
24 A spokesman for Littlewoods says : ‘ They were perfectly happy modelling the clothes , but that 's what you would expect from these highly professional girls — they are adaptable . ’
25 If you 're away fro home , try to find out what you can expect for breakfast .
26 A review is meant to give you a taster of what you can expect for your money .
27 Part Two — Working in the ES — summarises the key points you will need to know about what you can expect in terms of support and entitlements from your new employer and other useful information ; and
28 In the meantime , in this first article we will look at what your rights as a purchaser are , what you can expect from goods purchased , how to resolve some irritating problems with items already purchased , and some tips for avoiding the aggro in the first place .
29 If you have never rented property before , it is worth knowing what you should expect from the contract that you are undertaking .
30 The quality of workmanship is what you 'd expect on an instrument costing just under thirteen hundred pounds and even if it was n't a limited edition I 'd still say it was worth the money .
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