Example sentences of "[Wh det] [am/are] supposed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As you know it 's the twelfth , the start of the grouse season , and I ordered thirty brace from the Ranlodden Estate which are supposed to be collected about now .
2 It does not claim that the reasons which are supposed to be displaced by authoritative instructions are not replaced by them but should count as additional independent reasons alongside the instructions .
3 There are new flat roof systems about which are supposed to be better , but they suffer from the same inherent disadvantages as their earlier counterparts .
4 It will certainly not provide the stability necessary for rights which are supposed to be inalienable and imprescriptible , let alone self-evident .
5 Ukraine and Belorussia have issued non-convertible , temporary currencies , which are supposed to be replaced soon by permanent ones .
6 The most productive tree in a village or orchard is chosen for a party and pieces of toast are hung in the branches to attract robins which are supposed to be good spirits .
7 The TRAX system was developed by the ISMA in an attempt to provide up to date information on transactions ( which are supposed to be reported in 30 minutes ) to allow matching inconsistencies to be resolved quickly .
8 It follows that is not an objective number generated by considerations of overall balance in the labour market : its value turns critically on the political preferences of governments which are supposed to be in a position to define for themselves what unemployment rate will correspond to full employment and to be capable of action to achieve their newly defined objective .
9 The three main problems that affect investors ' confidence in the stock market are market manipulation ( as in the Guinness affair ) , insider dealing ( Geoffrey Collier , Ivan Boesky ) , and investment fraud ( Barlow Clowes , Dunsdale ) , all of which are supposed to be eliminated ( or at least limited ) under the investor protection rules of the Financial Services Act 1986 .
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11 Even what are supposed to be working-class interests , are often led and dominated by the middle class , as has frequently been observed .
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